Chapter Sixteen

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"Emo kid, it's school time! If you sleep in, I'm gonna get Janus to throw a chair at you!~"

Virgil groaned, glaring at the webbed ceiling.

It rolled over, pressing its face in its sheets. It hummed at the scent.

Smells like Patton.

"EMO KID." The door was slammed open. Virgil jumped and dug all four legs into the ceiling, flicking its wrist and shooting web at Remus.

Remus easily dodged it by raising his tentacles and protecting himself, and grinned at Virgil, "Wow kid, your reflex is getting better."

Virgil hissed and crawled to a corner, beginning to make another web.

Remus growled, "Oh no you aren't, you aren't hiding from school this time, buddy." He ran over and shot two tentacles out, them both wrapping around its leg.

Virgil hissed again, "Fuck off! I don't want to go!" It tried to crawl off, but Remus wrapped two other tentacles and finally managed to pull it off.

Virgil hissed again and went to bite, but Remus placed a hand around his mouth, tucking Virgil in between his arms, "Let's eat!"

Janus heard muffled curses as he watched his husband with his kid in between his arm.

"Good.. morning?" Janus greeted.

Remus smiled and gave him a quick kiss before setting Virgil down, "Are we having pork for breakfast?" He asked, staring at his plate happily.

Virgil gasped for fresh air and glared at Remus, "Your hand smells like rotten fish and sex!"

Janus snorted at that, Remus smirking proudly, "Why, thank you~"

Virgil picked up the fork and stabbed the pork, "How the hell do you find him dateable? Let alone husband material?" it asked.

Janus shrugged, "Don't know. I really don't know." Remus pouted, "You love me! I know you do, you let me bite you." He huffed, crossing his arms.

"True." Janus smirked back.
Virgil was glaring at its feet as it sat in the car. Remus was happily driving, humming to the song.

Eventually, the car stopped near the entrance. Virgil got out, "Love you emo kid, have a good day!" Remus chirped.

"Love you to father."

Virgil sluggishly walked near the school doors, looking over at where the other three would be.

Which they were.

It looked over at Patton and everything else disappeared. It walked over, then wrapped all its legs and arms around Patton, resting its face in his fluffy hair, taking in his scent.

Patton yelped, but relaxed when he saw who it was, "H-Hey Virgil!" He greeted, blushing at how tightly it was hugging him.

And the fact that it was hugging him.

"Woah there Panic At The Everywhere, cuddly much?" Roman teased.

Virgil hissed at him, pulling Patton closer. It didn't like that other people were here. Why can it just be it and Patton?

Roman laughed at that, Logan rolled their eyes, "Perhaps Virgil is just in a bad mood. And the presence of a creature's mate makes them feel more comfortable and content, so Patton would make it happier." They grinned slightly at how redder Patton got.

Roman whistled, "Looks like somebody was researching."

"Of course, new knowledge is always interesting to learn. Especially on subjects that excite you." Logan responded. They find creatures fascinating. Every creature is different and behaves differently. Who wouldn't want to learn about them?

"For you, that makes sense."

Ah. Roman wouldn't.

The two started to bicker, as Patton was trying to pry Virgil off him.

"V-Virgil, can you let g-go?" He asked.

"No," It hissed back, moving its face to his neck instead.

Patton gulped, "B-But-"

Virgil blew on his neck, chuckling when Pattin squealed at the cold air. It moved up, leaning forward so it could see him.

"My bad, didn't mean to." Virgil 'apologized'. Patton huffed, "I don't believe you."

Virgil hummed, maybe Janus has rubbed off on it.

It hoped it doesn't end up throwing chairs at its beloved Patton. It can't even think of hurting him without feeling disgusted.

"Ok.. can you let go now?"


Patton whined, but leaned into the warmth, smiling nonetheless. Virgil was happy he didn't actually want it to let go.

"You need to do your homework!"

"Oh, calm down! I've got it handled! I can just come up with an excuse-"

"You will get detention, you moron!"

"Ey! Easy on the insults, Nerdy Wolverine!"

"Oh, so you can insult me?"

"Wasn't much of an insult, more of a nickname."


"Yeah yeah."

"Oh," Patton shushed them, "Quite your bickering."

Virgil nodded, "It'll be Ro's fault anyways if he gets in trouble."

Roman opened his mouth to fight it, but then shrugged and nodded, "Yeah."

Logan groaned, "Jeez, at least Virgil cares about its grade and future."

"Hey!" Both Patton and Roman shouted.

"I do my work just fine!" Patton defended himself.

Logan set their bag down, unzipping it, "You doddle throughout class and have to ask one of us, normally me, for help."

"Well, I get my work done." Roman said next.

"Yes. You get your work done, not your homework." They took out a book, zipping and putting back on their bag, opening the book.

Roman huffed, "And of course they start reading."

Logan ignored him.

"Holy shit," Virgil muttered, "Maybe Logan should be my mate, at least they know shit and know how to turn people down."

Logan laughed at that, "Flattering, I'd have to think about that." They joked back, Virgil laughing in response.

Patton knew they were joking, but that hurt his heart a little.

Luckily, Virgil squeezed Patton amd nuzzled him, Patton happily nuzzling back.

Logan rolled their eyes. That is so disgustingly cute. They could never see themself doing something as childish as that.

"Aw!" Roman whispered at them, "Don't you wish to be able to do that with someone?"

Suddenly, Logan wished they could do it with someone.

And that someone very well may be the moron standing in front of them.

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