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I sat down in the circle of seats. Women all around me. Some I've seen before, some new. All of us here for the same reason. All of us with similar stories. All of us fighters. Survivors.
I took a deep breath, rolling my neck to loosen up the tension that had been sitting on my shoulders for days.
I closed my eyes and prepared to tell my story.


My life was never perfect.

I never came from the traditional family.

My life was filled with bumps and bruises.

Aches and pains.

Blood and trauma.

I never thought I would be here.

Never thought that my life would have gone the way that it did.

I never thought, never even dreamed, that I would lose so much. But in the end I gained a lot too.

I fought my way through a lot and made it out okay, but I never thought that the one thing that could possibly tear me apart....would be my heart.

Where the heart liesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن