Chapter 27

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My heart was pounding so loud I could swear everyone could hear it over the loud music of the club. Jesse kept to his promise and gave me a whopping two more earth shaking orgasms before I returned back to my shift, ten minutes after I was supposed to. He went out first to meet back with his buddies while I tried my best to tame my wild, just fucked, hair. Adjusted my skirt, hoping no one could tell I was now pantie-less, and walked back to the bar with my cheeks flushed and my head held high. As soon as I started my shift back up the new guy gave me a knowing look.

"What?" I asked, my hands on my hip preparing for his snide remarks.

"Nothing" the 5'11, dark haired, gray eyed man responds with a smirk, "You just look like you thoroughly enjoyed yourself"

I turn my back to him, preparing my customers drinks and yell over my shoulder, "I did". If I thought I could hide anything, I was so unbelievably wrong because my smile and messy hair say it all. The new guy comes in front of me to grab a top shelf tequila and winks at me.

"I'm Kennedy, by the way"

"Hi, I'm Freya" my friendly smile turns into a wicked grin as I fully eye Kennedy top to bottom. 5'11, dark washed jeans fitting snug on his waist, a tight black t-shirt that clings to his toned body, slight muscular arms, olive skin, jet black curly hair that's slicked back and deep gray eyes that have just a touch of crystal blue in the center. Wow. He's attractive. And just as I make my assumption I see his grin widen. Shit. He knows what I'm thinking.

"If you ever want to me, just let me know" Kennedy winks at me and walks toward the two girls waiting for their tequila shots. My cheeks burn hot and I'm stunned for a moment at how upfront he was. We barely even just met and already he's talking about sex? We work together! And I just had sex in the office with Jesse! I shake my head in an attempt to come back to the present. Okay. Just forget what just happened and focus on work.

The rest of my shift goes by fast and at the end of the night I'm met outside by a familiar figure. I smile as I make my way over, just as Kennedy walks out of the door.


"Hey, have a good night"

"Thanks, you too," Kennedy looks over at Jesse and back to me, "Wait. Before you go, let me see your phone."

I give him a questioning look and he just smiles and gestures for me to move forward with handing over my phone. A give me gesture with his hands continues until I hand it over.

"What are you doing?"

"Giving you my number. Duh."

I give him a little chuckle and look back over at Jesse who's leaning against the brick building, eyeing us both up with a stare that's so intimidating it could burn through someone's skin. Kennedy hands me back my phone and says, "Give me a call or shoot me a text when you want to have fun", he smirks, gives me a wink and looks back over at Jesse. "You better call me tomorrow or I'll have to hunt you down"

"What?" His comment catches me off guard and I look up at him confused. He simply laughs and starts to walk away.

"Can't wait to hear from you Freya. Have a good night" and before I can respond he's gone. I turn back around and make my way toward Jesse.

"Well hey there, stranger" The smile on my face is so wide, it takes up my whole face.

"What was that about?" Jesse nods his head toward the direction that Kennedy left in. I shrug and start to walk toward my car, nodding for Jesse to follow. "Just some new guy from work. He gave me his number and asked to hang out. It's nothing." Jesse looks over at me with narrowed eyes, "I don't know Freya, something feels off about that guy. Try to stay away from him ok?"

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