Chapter Seven

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Molly's POV

"And now...," Stephanie, one of my bridesmaids slurred out in an announcement. It took all of us quite a while to gather ourselves and hush, our drunken selves were incapable of focusing. She staggered, having a whole lot of trouble climbing atop a table that was cluttered with bottles of liquor and, finally after managing to; she began to lift up her dress up until it reached the midsection of her thighs.

"Is this a strip tease?," a close friend of mine, Natalie questioned looking lost, "Should I get her down Molly, Liz strictly said no strippers."

"It's a bachelorettes party Natalie, live a little."

"It's the only day Molly can fuck up and get away with it."

I decided not to add on to what the girls were saying, instead choosing to concentrate on what Stephanie had up her sleeve. We all watched her as she shimmied a little, her hands coming out from under her dress with her fingers interlaced with her underwear. She twirled it around before throwing it like a bouquet to all the others, who after watching Stephanie do her crazy stunt, loudly cheered on.

"We have a real treat for our beautiful bride," Stephanie continued, "I hope the bridesmaids brought the goodies."

The cheering went on, I looked at my friend Natalie who shook her head laughing. In my mind, I was wondering what everyone else was excited about. I averted my eyes, and they fell on someone I hadn't spent much time with today, Danielle. She didn't seem to notice that I was staring at her, I wish she did, I missed being around her. Taking me out of my thoughts were two of my bridesmaids who walked in dragging a long board that had panties pinned to it. I couldn't hold back my amusement, what in the world were there doing?

"Molly get your cute ass here!," Natalie, who had joined Stephanie ontop of the table commanded in a playful tone. I walked to where they were and stood, confused.

"Are you a naughty bride?," one of the girls chipped, taking three shots of whisky right after.

"I'm a nice bride," I laughed, wondering where this was going.

"Nice bride is going on her honeymoon soon, and sex will be served on a silver platter for how about we play a little game Molly."

"Seeing the panties I'm doubting it's a game of truth or dare."

"It's a panty party!," Stephanie said, fist pumping in the air and laughing crazy. I swear she was the most drunk among everyone else.

"All the bridesmaids gave you a lil' something," all eyes focused on the various lined panties, "A panty that they think reflects your personality, and by the looks of it; seems like our nice bride has been awarded with a number of naughty undies."

"I am so dead," I fake sighed, holding the back of my hand to my forehead. I personally liked the game, it seemed to be pretty fun.

"All you have to do Molly is guess who gave you which pair of panties. If you get it right, the person will have to drink two shots of vodka and if you get it wrong, you will have to drink three shots of vodka."

"Are you ready!?"

I looked around, searching for the person who was now currently on my mind. This time she stared right back at me and gave me a sweet smile that warmed my heart, I couldn't wait to find out what panties she'd gotten for me.

Secret Games BOOK 1 (GIRLXGIRL) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें