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Hey everyone! Before I say anything I would love to appreciate the love you've shown to this book. Thank you so much for the reads, the votes and please recommend the book to your friends and tell them to recommend it to their friends, you knew the drill!

Okay so to the big news! I will be posting BOOK TWO of SECRET GAMES! yes that's right, you read it well, BOOK TWO!

Like I said, the love you've shown is amazing and I had to thank you all by giving you another one and trust me it's awesome!

So Wednesday, be ready, it's a date, right here on wattpad! Set a reminder and prepare to meet your favourite characters again!

(Im sorry for the many exclamation marks I'm just super excited lol)

Again, thank you, continue reading, voting, recommending and enjoying yourselves. Get in contact with me and let's have fun talking about the characters, trust me I don't mind, yall can interact with me (it'll be so fun!)
And I opened an Instagram account so we can talk about all of my works, if you're interested in following me find me there @raechelleashleigh and soon as there's enough following we'll proceed with the posting of our favourite quotes, book chapters etc.

Oh and please can yall recommend me super cool books to read. I need something soon!

I love you guys!

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