Chapter 13

427 13 15

Baby, I believe in you

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" I will. I guess I will go then". He starts to move but I grab his t-shirt. "You want me here".

" Well you were only going to sleep. My two cabin buddies have left so we can talk earlier and have bunked with another group. My cabin is empty".

"OK. But if they return I'm going". He gets into bed behind me and snuggles up to me. Then we slowly fall to sleep together in each other arms. Waiting for the onslaught of the morning.

I was in a good sleep I think but I can hear voices. I guess isn't a good sign.

"They look so cute".

"Maybe we should leave them".

"Let's get the sleepy couple up".

"It's breakfast time".

When I hear breakfast my stomach rumbled. I slowly open my eyes and see about five of my friends in our cabin where I share with two of them. I wondered what time it was as we only got to sleep about five-thirty. His arms were still wrapped around me. I could hear him gently snoring away as his head was tucked into my right shoulder.

" Oh look one is awake".

"Morning" I replied sleepily.

"What have you been up to?".

" Nothing".

"There is evidence still wrapped around you".

" We just talked. Nothing happened".

"Maybe not. But somewhere else".

" Nope".

"Must have".

" Nothing happened so not telling". I giggle as I felt a leg move against me but he was still asleep. "But I could do with some food".

" What about your bedmate?".

"Still asleep. But we can't let him go as he wearing just his PJs" I reply trying to be quiet "We need Jon or one of the guys to get him clothes and he'd better stay here where it's safer". I moved an arm so I could reach my phone. But couldn't move.

"You want your phone".

" Yes please," I say "I still don't believe this. I need photo evidence".

He had just snuggled into me through his sleep. His leg which moved earlier has now moved over mine. I can feel all of him pressed against me. I was passed my phone so I could take a photo. Still, he slept. He looked so cute in the photo buried in my neck. My stomach was really going for it. I try to remove his arms around my middle but even as he is sleeping they tighten. I moved one arm but went straight back.

" You're awake aren't you?". Nothing from him. I am sure of it. I know he is.

I move my body which resulted in him murmuring in my neck. I move again.

"Don't do that".

" Don't do what. I knew you were awake".

"No, I'm not".

" Sure you are. Move I want some breakfast".

"Nope, I'm comfy".

" I'm hungry".

"So am I".

" Not that. We aren't alone".

He moved very quickly for a half-awake person. Finally, I could move then too which I did. Now in view was my very sleepy looking bed mate.

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