Chapter Nineteen

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Honey Dontcha Leave Me Tonight

I get off the plane with everyone else, BH family and other tourists towards customs. I texted Jordan but I knew I might not get a response as it was 2.30 am where he was. I know he will be sleeping.

Have arrived back on UK soil

Miss you 💋🥺🥰

We have gone through customs and now waiting for our bags at baggage claim. Near us was a lot of chatter and giggles from a group of girls all crowding around one of them. I wonder what's going on. I look down at my phone in my hand. Still nothing. Of course, he's sleeping. But those were watching something as the chatter was getting louder.

Are you awake???

Miss you

Nothing from my phone as I walk over to the group to grab my bag. They were watching from stuff from Facebook and were reading some of the commenters. Emma overheard them and was having a word. Why do people have to be so mean? Is this relationship going to work with the hate from fellow BHs?


My phone beeps.

You up early.

Then my phone rings.

Can't sleep. My bed is cold and empty.

"It's like 3 am over there isn't it".

I hear him sigh deeply.

Yeah something like that

"The girls here are commenting on something about us on Facebook".

He takes a deep breath. I can even hear him roll his eyes.

Don't listen. Don't take it to heart? There will always be something.

"Maybe this isn't going to work".

What? He sounds sad and miffed. Don't let them put that sort of thought in your head. Of course, it will. Where are you at the moment?

"Baggage claim".

Put me on loudspeaker and stand closer.

" Why?".

Just do it. Please.

"OK" so I move and switch to loudspeaker.

Please don't listen. Don't take to heart what is said. I love you and only you. Yes I will be stalking. Keeping an eye on what's going on. 

That they heard as heads were turned in my direction. While talking to him I had my English phone in my other hand looking at what I could see. There is was all over Facebook. Pictures from Roaring 20s night and the game show. Messages from Messager appeared as I was looking. All from my true BH friends that didn't go on the cruise were asking if it's true and if so congrats. Cute couple and don't listen to those girls. I smile. Haven't noticed Jordan was talking to me. Then I see a picture from GPS night with the comment to go with it. So fake and it won't last. Just a hall pass cruise fling. I screenshot the picture of us so close together. I think it was when he broke away from a kiss. How did they take that as we were away from everyone? I send it to him.

Hey are you listening to me or are you spacing out again.

"Sorry found something"

What? Why are you crying?. I forgot we were video calling again. I look at him on the screen. All wrapped up in hotel bedding with a concern sad look on his face. He even looks hot all wrapped in bedding. God I miss him. I need him. 

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