Chapter Forty Five

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It's been days since his eldest son's 21st party. He is still suffering from the flu. He has been bedridden since the party and he has rehearsals next week. I am talking to my mom on the phone while he is sleeping again. He was feeling really rough so I was allowing him to sleep it off as much as possible. Well trying too. As I am on the phone he trying to snuggle up even though he is asleep. I can feel his clammy sweaty body against me.

"Hold on, just need to move Mom".

I get up out of bed and sit on top of the covers. There was a whimper cos I moved.

"How is life across the pond? I see your accent has changed ready".

I blame Jordan's accent for that. "Has it? I haven't noticed".

"Okay . How are things?".

"It has been a big change. I have met the family. They are really and warming to me".

"Have you seen any of Boston yet"?

"Not really. Someone has been sick the last few days" Jordan has stopped trying to snuggle. Must be asleep again.

"What have you been doing?".

"Not a lot just getting into the swing of things here. Family gatherings. Oh have more news though".

"Oh really".

"Like you are going to have a grandchild next year".

"That was fast like your engagement".

"I know" I sigh. I still have my doubts that we have taken it too fast.

"Well, congratulations are in order then. When do you find out what the gender is".

"Next month when I go for my next scan".

"That's fast" I hear another congrats in the background from my dad. "How far along?".

"Three and a half months".

"Let me know ".

"Will do. Must go as I am going to see Kandy in a bit. But I need to make sure Jordan is okay before I go. He has a bad case of flu". Yes, I did tell them who my boyfriend was in the end. Then I turned around and said we were engaged during our break. As I was talking on the phone I glance over at a sleeping Jordan. He had rolled over but must be feeling hot again as he had pushed the covers off him. He soon curls up into a ball as if he is cold.


"The main reason to call is to wish you a happy birthday," I say "Did you get your birthday card?".

"Yes thank you" Mom replied "Oh but there looks to be only you and Jordan have signed it".

"Don't ask. Stepmom material that's all".

"Don't worry it will be okay in the long run".

"I hope so. But it's hard with a 21-year-old fighting against it".

"Don't worry. What about his brother?".

"He is fine with it but his brother wouldn't allow him to sign the card".




I hang up and put the phone down. I then lean over to Jordan. There he was still asleep gently breathing so not in a deep sleep. "Jordan, you need to wake up. You need to take some more medication before I go out later". Even when he is poorly he is a heavy sleeper. I poke him again. Nothing. Drastic measures are now in order. I smile to myself. I won't tickle him yet. I find a not-so-sweaty spot and kiss him on the nose. He didn't even stir. I better leave him be and let him rest. So I moved away and got off the bed. I smile cos he hadn't stirred. Must be really ill. Oh, bless him. I open the bedroom door and then I hear something.

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