Chapter Thirty One Jordan

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I was soon on that plane home after our mini-break. I left my fiancee back in England while I go home. I am going to get everything sorted so she can fly out and come out here in the US. I am sat on the plane feeling a little lonely as I fly home. We have gone our separate ways for now. I do have a big birthday bash with extended family soon. Not sure when they have planned it but it's not going to be the same without her being there. I look at my phone there was a picture of the two of us. I wonder what my family are really gonna say about me popping the question. I can hear them now, saying it's too early a little too soon. You have rushed into it there Jordan. I look at the window all I see is layers of clouds. I know they will mean well but it's all because I'm the youngest. The baby of the family. I was in deep thought I didn't know a flight attendant was standing next to me. When she spoke I jumped out of my skin.

"Sorry, sir. Would you like a drink".

" Yes, please. Water please" she hands over some in a bottle and cup. "Thanks".

" Is it all, sir".

"Coffee please" I give her my biggest smile. Coffee my other love.

She hands me my coffee. "You're...".

" No, I am not" as I sink more into my first class seat.  Sometimes I hate being recognised. I just want to be just me, not a celebrity.


I found my hat in my bag and put that on once she left. I don't want the hassle as I'm lovesick and lonely. I just want to plain old me for once. I found something else in my bag so I pull that one as well. Well, we are engaged now. But we are at the moment thousands of miles away from each other, she has an engagement ring physically know we are together. So I got myself a plain gold ring as a promise ring then I had something physical too. I opened up the box and was playing with it. I placed it on each finger on both hands trying to find a fitting fit. Should I put it on my ring finger or not. Before I had fallen asleep I put it on my right-hand ring finger.

Later I was woken to the smell of food and my stomach rumbles away to itself. I open my eyes to find that dinner was being served. Chocolate pudding my other love. Once finished and again I sleep. I woke when I hear the message over the tannoy that we will soon be arriving at Boston Logan airport. Home. I stretch and let out all the knots in my body. I am tired from the weekend away. I yawn again. We didn't have much sleep. I smile as I remember the weekend. I know why we didn't. I miss her. I look out the window and see my hometown in view as we get nearer. That's it I'm now 3145 miles away from her. I sigh at the thought. Need to start sorting out getting Felicity over here, sooner the better.

We will soon be arriving in Boston. Local time 11.45 am and the weather is a warm 70°f. We thank you for travelling with American Airlines and hope you travel with us again.

I tighten up my seatbelt I don't like the landing part of the flight nor that of take off either. I grip the armrests until I know we have landed and I feel the bump as we do. That's the part I hate where you feel the plane bounced down the tarmac of the runaway. I always think the plane is never going to stop after we land. I grip tighter as the tarmac comes into view and shut my eyes. I open them once I know all wheels of the plane are on the tarmac. With all the frequent flying I have done since being in the band, you would have thought I'd ok with flying. I just hate the take-off and landing parts.

It wasn't long for us to taxi to the gate. Once we were given the OK I got my hand luggage out of the overhead compartment. On my way to customs and baggage claim. Normal time through customs and baggage claim so on way to get picked up by Jon. In the distance I see him and Harley waiting for me. I wheel my case towards them. Jon sees me and smiles.

" Good trip lil bro".

"Yep. Need to go home and relax before the onslaught of the extended family about what I told you".

" No time".


" Mom wanted to celebrate as soon as you got home".

"But I'm tired, want a shower and some decent sleep".

" No time. Don't want to why you haven't had much sleep".

"I need a shower" I moan. This is when I don't want to see family. I need proper sleep.

We go and find his car in the parking lot. I still just want to go home and catch up on sleep seeing that my house is empty. Dante is at college and Eric is with his mom. Which I am happy more of a chance to sleep and switch off the phone for a bit. Wait...

Me: have landed safely. Miss you already. Love you x

F: good to hear. Miss you too x

Me: miss you more xox

F: love you x

Now I got the 'I have landed' text out of the way. Jon looks at me to hurry the fuck up. I slide my phone back in my pocket and follow him to his car.

"Can we at least go back to mine so I can leave my stuff and have a quick shower?".

" We are going to yours anyway".

"Oh, why?".

" Everyone is going to meet us there".

"Oh". Oh great, there goes my nap.

"Mom is not gonna be happy with you".

" Why?".

"You eloped".

" What?".

"What's on your right hand?".

I look at my hand. Oh, I left it on and it's on my right ring finger like I used to when I was married but always took it off for band stuff.

" Oh that, it's a physical thing so I have something while my fiancee is still over three thousand miles away".

"You have always been a cutie, a sweetheart when it comes to lovey-dovey stuff, hey Jordy," Jon says ruffles my hair but moves quickly before I deck him as he notices the look on my face.

"Get off me".

" You have always been so easy to wind up, J".

"Humph. Let's go. I need that shower before the onslaught".

" Fine".

In no time we arrive at my place. I grab my bags and head inside through the front door. On the table at the side has my mail. Mom is here, she always does that when she comes over. Ever since the divorce, she has come over to check on my house when I am gone. I think I just got my bags on the floor when...

"Boys is that you back".

" Yes, mom. We are back".

"Come and give your mom a hug". She appears from the kitchen at the back.

" Mom, I'm not a kid anymore" I moan.

"But you are still my baby. Now give your mom a hug and a kiss" I sigh. "Jordan Nathaniel Marcel Knight don't roll your eyes at me".

God, she's still got it. " Sorry mom," I say sounding like a kid being told off. "I need a shower before I see everyone".

I run upstairs and shut my bedroom door to go and have a shower. All I can hear outside is my whole family playing in the pool and hot tub. Damn, there goes my quiet night in...

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