Cramps, and Bruises

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Hi, how are you?! So let me fill you in on some stuff that's been happening,

At the moment I'm cramping, FUN! Yes, I love my period so so much. (Hope you noticed my sarcasm there..) My cramps are wild right now, it hurts a lot. Gosh, why can't there be some other way of our bodies telling us that we aren't pregnant. Bleeding from down there every month is not fun, neither is having sore boobs..
For me, my period cycle lasts about 8-9 days! Which is looong. And having my period puts many restrictions on what I can and can't do! Definitely no swimming, but it's cold so who cares, definitely no me time because that's gross during your period.....yea we just got weird here. Any-who some days are great, while others are a bloody hell... I had intense cravings of cake yesterday, and potatoes, and a bunch of crap.

Maybe two days ago I fell and jammed my left foot. It hurts like a b*tch. I have a huge bruise on my foot and it hurts to put pressure while walking! It's slowly healing but wow, I've never hurt my foot like this. I've been limping around, up and down.

Well I decided that's all I'd put in this entry because I would like to continue writing the final chapter of my story 'The Risk and The Love' eeek! I'm so proud of myself that I've actually accomplished completing a story! YAS boo! Alright, let me go write!

Good night, or good morning, good something to you.

Until next time,
-N ;)

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