The Sneezing Bum.

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Hi. Ugh I'm sick! I've been sneezing my ass off since Friday night and I am SUPER congested. This whole weekend is just going to be a relaxing weekend cause my body needs to rest! So maybe that means an update on The Risk & The Love?! We'll seeee!

Oh my gosh guys yesterday I felt so awful, my head was pounding, I couldn't stop sneezing, I was so congested my forehead was hurting, and my throat is sore. I tried to do my homework but failed miserably seeing that I only answered two questions......but whatever, I feel like shit, and my nose is itching. I honesty think I have the flu again...i have had the flu every year for the past 3-4 years and right now I feel exactly- wait maybe a bit worse- how I felt last year when I had the flu. Am I flu prone?

Man I was a bit disappointed cause I wanted to film something but I'm not feeling great enough. Maybe monday!

I'm finishing here, nice and short. Going to bed now. Need rest for recovery. Feeling 0.00001% better.

Good night loves!


-N 😷💊👄😞

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