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As you know, if you read the last entry, I had MPA today! It went way better then I had expected it to go, we did amazing and ended up with an overall score of excellent, which is a 'B' in comparison to a grading scale. Scoring goes: poor, good, excellent, and superior. I wasn't nervous but I was afraid that we were going to mess up, and we did not do that bad.

I actually had enough to time to finish my homework before 8:30pm which is great. These past few days I have been getting my homework done quicker than usual, most of the time I have my phone around and that's a distraction.

By the way, if you were wondering, there isn't really anything going on in the love department, or the drama department. Things have just been stressful with school and not much has happened lately. One day though, one day.

Right now I am going to go continue working on my draft for chapter 3 of 'Risking The Love'. You should go check it out if you haven't already!

Sweet dreams,

-N :)

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