Club Party...

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Hey! Guys I just wanted to tell you that I have been writing for my other story, homework gets in the way though so that's why it's taking a while.

But this weekend I went to a party in Tampa...oh lawd geesus. So one of my closest friends named K was having her Sweet 15th Party and I wet down to Tampa and the party was Club Themed so the dress code was black, short, and tight. Haha I got a dress that was a little revealing up top but it complimented my womanly features quite well. So we got there and everyone was dancing blah blah, I said hello to the family and then I stood with M at this bar type thingy as we watched and talked about those who were gosh if you would've seen them it was HILARIOUS! No offense to ANYONE but most of K's friends were white...and they couldn't dance, at all.

There were people grinding to happy by pharrel?! Like wtf?! Who the hell grinds to happy, and they were all off beat might I add! Lawd these people needed some sense of rhythm in their lives. Yea but these people were basically raping each other! And K's cousin that I'm friends with occasionally pulled me to the dancefloor to dance but I didn't dance much because I didn't know anyone at this party! And K's mom was so funny! She was dancing with all the boys so she could separate people from basically 'dry humping' each other. If it was just family and stuff I would've had a blast but I didn't know anyone so it was a bit weird. Plus almost all the people there (besides the adults) were either drunk or high! M went to the bathroom and said it smelled like weed, wow.

But at least we showed up. My mom wanted to leave cause we were just standing there and she got hungry. M and I spent the entire night laughing at how everyone was dancing and blah blah. After we left the party, M, my mom and I went to eat at Olive Garden cause we were hungry.

At Oliver garden we all just talked and ate then we headed home and the whole ride home we all talked and shared stories. I felt bad though cause it was the first time me and M hung outside of school and it sucked but he swore he had a fun time and kept saying "at least I got out of the house".

But yeah that night when I got home I just finished editing a video and then I went to bed cause I was so tired.

I spent the whole day Sunday doing homework, literally.

So that was my weekend.

As of today (Monday, Sep.8.2014) there is 10 MORE DAYS TIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

I'm so excited....and my mom is letting me stay after school this Thursday cause I'm going across the street to my old school with my friends to see someone......

But yeah! Let me know what you did this weekend! And when is your birthday?




-N ;)

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