Tired. And still Tired.

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I have just finished my fourth day as a sophomore and my oh my! We have already begun working in most of my classes, like can we stop and breathe for a second? I've gotten all of my textbooks and they are so damn thick!!!! My locker lock doesn't want to open when I try to open it but when someone else tries it opens on their first try, and I'm tired.

The one bad thing about summer is that you get so used to sleeping in and when school starts your whole sleep schedule is screwed up! No matter how early I go to bed these days I still wake up exhausted, I'm so tired. Eventually..amd hopefully that'll pass soon and I'll re-adjust to my new sleep schedule,writing

The Risk And The Love, and some other things.

So yesterday I texted, (Let's call him A) I texted A yesterday right before I got to school just saying Hi and hoping things were well. The last I talked to him was on his birthday. But later on in the day I checked my phone for the time and saw a message from him so I got a little excited and read it and he said all is well, how are you classes? blah blah, I said good and made a joke but he never answered....

But besides that disappointment, things have been okay with school. It's just SO FREAKING HOT! My school has an extremely strict dress code policy and we can't wear shorts or tanks! I live in the freaking sunshine state; it's hot as hell in Florida!

Here's a poem I wrote today for English: (it's not supposed to rhyme btw)

Where I'm From


I am from moving,

From Puerto Rico and Boston.

I am from carpeted floors.

(Soft, vacuumed

it feels so warm beneath my feet.)

I am from the bright green grass,

the leaves that fall

freshly scented with dirt.

I am from thanksgiving talks at the table,

and clowns.

From Ivette only.

I'm from the arguments about chores,

and friendly gatherings.

From "Stop it" and "I love you more."

I'm from praying before bed,

"Thank you Jesus, Amen!"

I'm from Fajardo, Puerto Rico,

rice and beans.

From the competitive soccer games

with Coach Mom.

and the Christmas road trip with family friends.

I am from the photo albums deep in my closet.

From music and dancing,

I'm from the jokes

and laughter.

From the smile,

that holds back pain, and sadness.

I am from the smile,

that is loving life.

If you copy this for an English assignment I'll hunt you down. This is about ME. Stop being lazy and make up your own damn poem!

Haha but I'm serious please don't take credit for other people's work.

That's it for today, hope you enjoyed my poem....now I have to go write an essay for history on the ancient roman empire's influence on the world today.


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