I lived -One Republic.

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I'm currently listening to 'I lived' by One Republic if you haven't caught on yet...

So right now I am sitting on the floor with a notebook and pen, jotting down what I want to do in the year 2015. I've been inspired to actually get stuff done this year and make it even better than the last. Here's what I have so far:
-Read more books
-Stress less
-Get fit
-Start walking
-Go running
-Start Meditating
-Continue Journaling
-Vlog more
-Paint something
-Find a pen-pal
-Create and Inspiration Board
-Grow my hair long
-Study more
-Swim more
-Go to a party
-Continue YouTube
-Make new friends
-Get my learners permit
-Go to a bonfire
-Go on a date?
-Go camping.
-Stop a bad habit
-Redecorate my room
-Try drinking Tea
-Try out for school soccer team
-New hairstyle
-Take more risks
-Face a fear: Flying
-Create a 2015 photo album
-Start a money jar.

That's all I have so far, but there surely will be more added to the list as the year goes on...

Have you made a list like this? You should, once you write things down it makes it more official, like it can actually happen and it should motivate you to work towards it. At least that's how it works for me. I love creating goals for myself, for some reason I feel super hyped and ready to work hard towards making these things happen, I have the ultimate goal of completing my list by the end of the year!

Look at me, getting all 'new yearsy' haha. I really am looking forward to a good year because 2014 was not the best, I went through a lot of things; not all very good. There was a period were I didn't feel like myself, and I still don't, I felt so alone, lost, and empty. But slowly I've been feeling better. I'm working toward the ultimate life goal of just being happy with myself, flaws and all. I also feel that the people I associate with have a big impact on things too, sometimes, as hard as this sounds, it may be in your best interest to eliminate people in your life who are holding you back from being the best you there is. Take this advice seriously.
There might be that one friend that constantly gives you a hard time, constantly is too needy, too whatever. It may be best to just let them straighten things out on their own.
Things aren't the same, and they never will be.

People change, we grow and find other interests, our mindsets and goals lead us and unnecessary obstacles shouldn't stop us along our journey. God puts people in our paths for a reason, some are there to stay and some are just stopping by for a while, temporary.

Sorry for my rant there.... ponder upon what I've written here today and decide whether you need to make some decisions for the better. Hope I helped, or inspired you to make your own 2015 list! If you did and you'd like to share it with me just comment it on here!

Should I make a separate kik for this wattpad account? Surely enough you guys know I write anonymously so I won't be giving out my personal information....but would a wattpad kik
be a good idea? You guys can kik me story ideas or respond to my journal entries on here, give me your opinions or ask for advice....hmmm sounds like a possibility, what do you think about that?

Make sure to let me know! Now I must go make some decisions of my own, regarding those 'obstacles' mentioned above.

-N :)

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