I Have To Pee.

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Suddenly, I have the urge to go pee. But I will wait a bit. I can wait, no worries.
Now you're probably thinking: "We won't know if you are writing while you pee" but today I won't do that. So, how's it going? Care to share anything in the comments? By all means, go ahead.

There is two more days until SPRING BREAK! Finally! I have been counting down the days-just kidding, I had no idea about spring break until last week....such an enthusiast right? Anyways who cares, a week off of school sounds pretty damn okay with me, last minute or not. I just hate that most of my teachers decided to give tests the day before we leave for break, seriously? Those test grades will make or break my grade for report cards. Yippee.

I am also excited because I just found out that I will be moving for sure by next month! We got approved for the house, the landlord is just waiting for a letter from my aunt and then we will be good to go by early April! YAY! I have wanted to move so bad!

My aunt and Uncle are moving down here to FL from MA, and they will be living with us for a bit. It's not as bad as it sounds, they are really cool, but I find my uncle a little intimidating and sometimes I don't understand what he says to me because he mostly speaks Spanish and he speaks very quickly. We will work on that. I spent about a week with them last December and I survived so this will be all good.

Ooo, I really gots to go potty.... I'll end this entry here so I can go pee now, thank you for reading. If there is a certain topic you would like me to discuss in an entry let me now by messaging me and I'll surely dedicate an entry to any suggestions. ANYTHING. Lets interact! It's the least you can do after I spill my guts out to you on here.... :) I don't judge, I swear.

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

-N :)

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