Chapter 21

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Liatta kept her eyes glued to the papers in her hands.

She tried to keep herself focused on the work at hand, and for the most part she did. But any slip in her concentration and her mind was back to the events of yesterday.

She had gone back to the office after meeting with Yates fully expecting to be caught. But, instead, she found Mr. Arach asleep inside.

Liatta had been overjoyed, of course, but she couldn't help but doubt her good luck, and that was when the trouble began.

She couldn't resist the urge to check.

She knew it was a bad idea and that nothing good could come of it, but the thought had burrowed itself in her head. It was like the compulsion to pick at a scab. You tell yourself you just want to know if it's healed, but by the end your fingertips are stained red.

So, she approached Mr. Arach and waved her hand in front of him.

Seeing that he wasn't reacting, Liatta hazarded a question.

"Are you awake?"

Again, no response.

She breathed a sigh of relief and got up, feeling a bit foolish. Then she stopped.

She took in Mr. Arach's features.

Smooth pale skin, a straight nose, long dark lashes and razor-sharp cheekbones framed by impossibly soft black hair.

Half unconsciously, Liatta reached out to brush away a stray lock of hair from his forehead.

"You really look like her,"

When Mr. Arach was asleep, and not threatening or sneering at her, it was hard for Liatta to ignore the similarities between him and Anita.

They weren't identical, of course, Mr. Arach's features were more masculine compared to the softness and femininity Anita's. His jaw was more prominent, and his brow was stronger. But the resemblance was still uncanny.

Liatta watched the rise and fall of Mr. Arach's chest as he slept. She had sat close enough to him, that she could feel his body heat in the air around her.

Was Anita's body this warm?

Did she sleep on her back or on her side?

Did she snore?

Liatta would never know.

She had countless chances to find out. If she had been brave enough, she could have had the answer to all of those questions.

She could have discovered new questions and new answers, together with Anita. But she was a coward.

Her chest clenched painfully.

She hugged her knees, digging her fingernails into the thin skin until she drew blood. The pain distracted her from the choking sobs that threatened to escape her throat.

She couldn't cry there. She couldn't wake Mr. Arach up. She had to control herself.

She had to keep herself together, just for a little longer.

Liatta didn't know how long she stayed in that position but, fortunately, Mr. Arach hadn't woken up.

The next day Mr. Arach had shown no sign that he knew what had happened and so Liatta had done her best to act normally.

Or, at least, she did her best to act how she normally did in front of Mr. Arach.

Luckily, she didn't have to pretend for long though because almost as soon as she entered, Mr. Arach left.

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