《Chapter 38》

Mulai dari awal

"Mom.." we all said at the same time. 

" Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she shook her head and we all sighed. Jimin ran out to call the doctors. Soon the doctor and some nurses entered the room and examined her while we waited at the couch.

"Fortunately, she is getting better.. her bruise may still be fresh so the bandage should be changed once in a while. We will give some ointments to help in healing the wound. She  response  very well to our questions and I don't think there are any problems with her memories..Try not to remind her about what happened as it may trigger her once again.. We may need few more tests on her to make sure she is good to go... So most probably, she can go home by tomorrow evening. " The doctor said and we were all so relieved to hear the news. We thanked the doctor and then before he went out I stopped him.

"Sorry but is it okay to ask you if you have seen the red -head guy who was crying on the day we got here? The one who was sleeping on the couch?" 

"Ah, yes... he was here since last night right? I didn't see him leave tho.. you can ask some of the nurses, maybe they saw him.. If not, you can check the cameras in the security office. I will guide you once I'm done with a few check ups..." He said and I thanked him once again... 

Soon Namjin came back to the room with  a smile on their face.. "Guys look!! it's my first ultra-sound.. our koala bear looks like a bean!!" Jin hyung said while he was smiling so widely and joon hyung was staring at Jin-hyung while smiling. 

"I want to seeee!!!!" Jimin ran to them and squealed because of how cute the ultrasound was.. We congratulated them and that's when mom did it as well which shocked both of the hyungs.

"Mom! Thank god you are finally okay!" Jin hyung said and hugged them. 

"Where is Junghyuk and Taehyung?" Mom suddenly asked.. I know I have to lie... I can't let her freak out over something that hasn't been confirmed yet. Besides, she is just recovering... the doctor said not to stress her, especially her mind..

"Uhm, Taehyung had to go home and take a rest since he was staying here the whole time you were unconscious. Dad just had to take a call... I'll  look for him. " I said and she nodded. I went out of the room and dialed my dad's number. He then answered.

"What now? Are you going to tell me that you disapprove to be my son? What else do you disapprove huh?!" That's the first thing he shouted. I sighed... I guess he knew what I did. 

"Whatever, let's talk about that later...  it's mom, she's awake..." There was silence on the phone.

" I will be right there. " He said and hung up on me.

Where could Tae be? I hope he is okay... baby, come back pls... you're scaring me.  I ruffled my hair in frustration and sighed. Soon the doctor we were talking with returned with the medicines and quietly told me that he would help us check the cctv. Me, Namjoon and Yoongi hyung went with him while Jimin, Hobi and Jin  hyung stayed with mom and waited for dad. 

We told the staffs the time he started to be missing and he searched... the only clip that went out was the one when we left and then when we came back... in between that, there was nothing... there was not eve a clip of my dad leaving.... my whole body froze. Yoongi hyung looked at me worriedly as well. 

The doctor told us that we could file a report to the police about this and he would ask the director of the hospital to strengthen the security around mom's room because something's not right.

"Thank you so much Dr. Kang." he smiled and left. We soon filed a report on a missing person... The police said that they will be visiting later..

When we entered the room, my dad was there already.. he was talking with mom. Hobi hyung was about to ask but I quickly sushed him. I don't want my dad suspecting us about this. I'm sure he knows something about this. 

" Is it possible for me to go home by tomorrow?" We all smiled at her and said nodded... she gave us a huge smile and we can't help but to be happy for her... She suffered too much.. 

We all went out since mom said she's feeling sleepy.. When we went out dad looked at me and told him he wanted to talk. We went to the staircase area.. 

" Why did you do that? I told you, agree to it and I will take care of the rest." 

"Dad, it's not just about that... you are making me feel like YOU are using me in order to get some benefits... dad... the daughter of that man doesn't even agree to it as well." I said and he sighed

"I'm sorry... I should've been more considerate... I shouldn't have said that to you on the phone as well. When I heard that offer, I thought it was a good idea since I can provide more for this family and when this happened to Taeyon, it made me think of that money... we could protect her and give her the best life... The 3 of us can live happily together! But I guess I didn't consider your feelings.." He said and it shocked me

"W-wait, what did you say? The THREE of us can live happily?" I said and he was taken back by the sudden raise of my voice. 

"I-I mean, the four of us... Taehyung could be happy too." He said 

" Stop the act, it looks like Taehyung didn't even take a walk before... I don't want to assume things yet but once I find out that you are the reason why Taehyung is missing,  You won't like what I will do.." I said and went out of the staircase area and slammed the door on him. I sat on a nearby chair...

' Petal, I hope you are okay... wherever you are... I will find you and save you... If you are out there just wandering around... please come back... your mom is also awake! Didn't you wait for this moment?? I miss you... '   I thought as a tear  fell on my cheek.


Oops.. double update!! 🙈🙈

Please let me know what you think about the chapter ❤❤

Hope you all are doing alright! Keep safe and Love you all 🥰🥰❤

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