~Chapter 65~

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~Blue and Sasha' POV~

So it's been a couple of days since we got back from the cabin. We helped Am, Gray, and Tenn out with the wedding planning. We got everything all planned out so now we are working on decorations and everything else. Am just sent out all the invitations to all of their close family and friends. Sasha and I are making some of the party favors while Am and Sapphire are ordering the dresses for the women.

Sasha- Are all of us women having the same style of dresses?

Amethyst- Yes you all are.

Sasha- Okay I was just making sure.

Amethyst- Are you 2 okay with this while we run to Michael's to get a few more things we need?

Blue- Sis go we got this don't worry.

Sasha- Yes we will be fine. Oh, don't forget you need more ribbon and tulle.

Amethyst- Okay thanks for reminding me.

Sasha- You're welcome.

Amethyst- If you run out of anything just call me and Gray and Ness will be over to help out soon.

Blue- Okay now go before your men get here cuz then you won't be leaving at all.

Sapphire- Blue is right so let's go. You 3 can't keep your fucking hands off each other.

Sasha- Haha that's so fucking true.

Amethyst- Fine let's go.

Amethyst and Sapphire got up and left. I swear Amethyst, Tennessee, and Grayson fuck like rabbits. They can't seem to keep their hands off of each other for that long.

Blue- I'm surprised that she is not pregnant yet.

Sasha- Hell I'm shocked she didn't already have a child with Gray. They never use anything and she hasn't been on birth control since she was 18.

Blue- Really?

Sasha- Yeah as soon as she turned 18 she got off her pills. She has told me that every guy she was with wore a condom but Gray never had him wear one. Well and now Tenn.

Blue- Damn yeah then I'm shocked as well. Hopefully, they all are fine and can have children. Cuz I know they all want children one day.

Sasha- When it's their time they will have children it's just not their time yet.

Blue- I hope so cuz that would kill them if they couldn't have children.

Sasha- How many do they want anyway?

Blue- Tenn wants at least 4. Gray wants 2 at least and Am wants to make it even.

Sasha- Wow okay. So how many children do you want? That's if you want children.

Blue- Yes I do want children but I would like to be engaged or married before I have children. But I want at least 2 but if my fiance wants more then that's okay with me. Do you want children someday?

Sasha- Yes I do. I as well would like to be engaged or married before I have children. I would like to have 3-4 children. So are you happy that your brother is getting married?

Blue- Yeah I'm happy for him. At first, I was worried that he has lost the love of his life.

Sasha- Why did you think he might have lost her?

Blue- Well when we came back from a run she was already dating Tenn. I thought right then and there that he lost her for good. But then Tenn asked him to join their relationship cuz he could see that Am and Gray still deeply loved each.

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