~Chapter 8~

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~Memphis' POV~

So we are in a meeting with Amethyst and her girls. I can't my eyes off of Genesis. As we are coming to the end of the meeting Amethyst has her girls pick their teammate. I'm hoping Genesis picks me to be her teammate so we can spend time getting to know each other while looking for a location for a club. It's Genesis' turn to pick I'm starting to get worried as she looks around at the guys. Then she finally asks me to be her teammate. Fuck I was really worried that she wouldn't pick me. As we leave the chapel room we go to the bar to talk and to get to know each other a little better. Man, I like this girl and I don't even know her yet. I have been known as a player and I don't date. But I could see myself trying to be the boyfriend type if that's what Genesis wanted.

Memphis- So Genesis how old are you?

Genesis- I'm 29 I'll be 30 in a few months. How old are you?

Memphis- I just turned 30 a few months ago.

Genesis- So you and Tennessee must be best friends if you're the Vice President.

Memphis- Yeah we are best friends we grew up together. We also went to school with Amethyst and Sapphire. Up until we went off to college. Then Amethyst and Tennessee lost contact with each other.

Genesis- So how does your boy feel about my girl Amethyst?

Memphis- He is madly in love with her. He always has been but he has been too scared to say anything cuz she might not feel the same way.

Genesis- Holy fucking shit that's fucking awesome. Amethyst has been madly in love with Tennessee as well but thought that he wouldn't like her cuz she is not your typical woman. She has curves and she is not a size 0.

Memphis- Amethyst curves and her not being a size 0 is the topping on the cake for Tennessee. He loves his women to have curves and to be a little thick. Amethyst is a very beautiful person inside and out she has the biggest heart.

Genesis- Yeah she does have the biggest heart and yes she is beautiful inside and out. We have to tell her that all the time. She has always thought she is not beautiful and she thinks she's too fat. But we keep telling her she's not fat she is just a little thick.

Memphis- She is very beautiful and her curves just make her even more beautiful. Well let's hope Amethyst and Tennessee get together they would make a great couple.

Genesis- Fuck yeah they would.

Memphis- So do you have a boyfriend?

Genesis- No I don't. Do you have a girlfriend?

Memphis- No I don't. I don't do the whole dating scene.

Genesis- Okay why not?

Memphis- I don't think I have found the right one yet.

Genesis- I get that. So then you must just fuck the club whores or have random one-night stands.

Memphis- Yes I have random one-night stands and yes I do fuck the club whores. I'm a man and I have needs you know.

Genesis- I get it. I'm the same way I have random one-night stands and I fuck the club players. I'm a woman that has needs.

We sit at the bar just talking and getting to know each other better. We are having a great time here then it's time for us to go. I asked her for her number and we exchanged numbers. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. We wait for everyone in the living room then we all head outside. We all hug our teammates then we see Amethyst and Tennessee kissing. Holy fucking shit that is awesome. They have shared 3 kisses so far tonight damn Tennessee might just get his love. We take off and head back to the clubhouse. I go up to my room and shower and get ready for bed. I lay down on my bed and I grab my phone to text Genesis.

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