~Chapter 41~

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~Amethyst' POV~

I wake up in between the two loves of my life. But I'm sore today we fucked and made love all night long. It's now Saturday and we have the stupid-ass party tonight. If I know Damon he will have Ace' ex with him I did have a talk with Ace and Summer and they don't care if they showed up together. Ace and Summer have made it official now they are taking things slow which are good. Tonight we will also be announcing that the Dragons and the Wolves are now a combined MC. As I lay here and think about what is going to happen tonight. I feel my men move they must be starting to wake up.

Grayson- Mmm good morning Sweetheart.

Amethyst- Good morning my Love.

I lean over and I give Gray a passionate kiss.

Tennessee- Mmm good morning Sweetness.

Amethyst- Good morning my Love.

Now I lean over and give Ness a passionate kiss.

Grayson- How are you feeling this morning?

Amethyst- Good but sore as fuck.

Tennessee- Haha we are sorry but not sorry. How are you feeling about tonight?

Amethyst- I just want to get through the night and then we can come home and the both of you can make me sore again.

Grayson- That sounds like a plan.

Tennessee- So I wonder if dumbass Damon figured out who you are Gray.

Amethyst- That was fucking funny when you told him that you are the new president and that my father left you in charge. Fucking idiot he is going to get a big surprise tonight. I can't wait to see his face when I come out as a Dragon's president.

Grayson- I can't wait to see his face when he finds out the 3 of us are together.

Tennessee- Fuck yeah he is going to be shocked as hell.

Amethyst- Haha this night might be fun after all. We will also have to keep an eye on Morgan Ace' ex once she is probably coming with Damon. I don't trust her, especially after what she did to Ace.

Grayson- Okay and we will tell everyone in Chapel that we must keep an eye on Morgan and Damon. But also you will be their number 1 priority to watch and protect.

Tennessee- I don't trust either Morgan or Damon but we can watch them. But like Gray said you will be everyone's number 1 priority. We love you way too much to lose you or have anything happen to you.

Amethyst- Okay I'm fine with that. Now let's get ready for chapel, shall we?

They nod and we start getting ready. I let the boys go outside to run around and play while we get ready. After about 25 minutes we are all ready to head over to the clubhouse. We walk out of our house and we start walking over to the clubhouse.

Amethyst- Bear, Diesel come on boys.

They come running towards us and they follow us to the clubhouse.

Amethyst- Our boys listen well. I'm shocked that they have passed all their training as well.

Tennessee- I know and they passed their training in what 2 months and it should have taken them 6 months.

Grayson- Yeah the trainer said it would take up to 6 months for them to be fully trained. Nope, not our boys they did it in 2 months.

Amethyst- Damn right our boys are the best.

Grayson- Yeah they are.

Tennessee- Yeah they are.

We walk into the clubhouse and the boys run in like they always do. We walk into the living room and everyone is sitting in there even Koda and Kay.

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