~Chapter 87~

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~Amethyst' POV~

~Wedding Day~

Today is my wedding day. I can't fucking believe that I'm marrying the loves of my life. We are all here at the park getting everything ready. We are running a bit behind cuz we got started a bit later than we wanted. I knew I should have stayed the night with the girls. My men claimed me all night long so we didn't get much sleep. Thank god we women already had all of our stuff in the bathrooms ready to go. As we are still getting everything set up we see that our guests are starting to arrive. Fuck we need to hurry and get this all finished before our Reverend shows up.

Amethyst- Dallas do you know where the guys went?

Dallas- Gray, and Tenn went to get some more Ice and the rest of them I don't know where they went.

Sapphire- Fucking men of course they would just disappear at a time like this.

Amethyst- Okay well then this will be up to us to get these decorations up.

Sky- How are we going to hang them up there we ain't tall enough?

River- Sky' right even with us standing on the table we still won't be able to reach.

Amethyst- Fuck okay I'll try and find one of the guys. Just keep putting up the ones you can.

They all nod at me and I walk away. Where in the fuck could these assholes be. So help me hades when I find them I'm going to kill them. My kings won't have any groomsmen. I walk around and I see Blue sitting by the lake with his head in his hands. I wonder what's going on with him? I walk over to him and I sit right next to him.

Amethyst- Blue bear what's wrong?

Blue- Sugar lips it's nothing I'm fine.

Amethyst- Come on I know you're not fine. I'm right here just talk to me, please.

Blue- Okay well I'm scared that I'm going to lose my brother. That we won't have time for each other anymore.

Amethyst- Hey listen to me you will never lose your brother. You will still have plenty of time to hang out. I'm not taking him away from you Blue you do know that right?

Blue- I know it's just with you guys getting married and everything with the clubs. I just don't think we will have enough time together. Plus I'm planning on proposing to Sasha soon. I'm also scared that if I have it in my head she will say no.

Amethyst- Look at me. Sasha loves you she always has. When you ask her she will say yes. The only thing I ask from you is please have your brother there when you do. That would make him the happiest person alive. Also, don't worry about the club shit that will never get in the way of your time with your brother.

Blue- God I fucking love you. You are the only one that can get any doubt that I have out of my head. I'm happy that you are marrying my crazy ass brother.

Amethyst- I love you too. Now you have until we get back from our honeymoon to get ready to propose.

Blue- I know don't worry I'll be ready.

Amethyst- Good now where is my other crazy-ass brother?

Blue- Ace is walking the boys. How is he doing with the whole Andreas being in the relationship?

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