~Chapter 64~

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~Tennessee, Amethyst, and Grayson' POV~

It's finally the weekend. We are taking Amethyst up to the cabin today. She has no idea that's where we are going. Koda, Kay, and Nessa are meeting us up there. We gave them directions on how to get to the cabin. Blue and Ace will be riding with us up there. Gray and I can't wait until we get up there cuz then we can finally talk about our wedding. We want to get married at the park that's near the cabin. We are all packed up and loaded we got everything we need for our trip. We are even taking our boys with us.

Tennessee- Love are you ready?

Amethyst- Yes love I'm ready.

Grayson- Blue and Ace have the boy's already in the truck.

Amethyst- Okay then let's go.

Tennessee- Okay.

Grayson- Okay.

Ness and Gray still haven't told me where we are going. When we get to where we are going I need to talk to them about our wedding. I have picked a date and I hope they are okay with it. There is a reason for the date that I have picked no one knows about this. I can't wait for our wedding. We are almost only 6 months away from our wedding. We already have our reverend we also have the colors picked out which are pink and black. We have the order of our bridesmaids and groomsmen to walk down. We made some of our decorations, party favors, bouquets, and boutonnieres once we wanted everything to be DIY.

Amethyst- My King' are you finally going to tell me where we are going?

Tennessee- Okay Sweetness we are going to the cabin for the weekend.

Grayson- We figured that we could use a nice weekend away. Especially now that Morgan is no longer a problem.

Ace- Thank god she is gone.

Amethyst- I know it's nice to be free from that psycho bitch. And thank you my love' for planning this weekend getaway.

Grayson- You're welcome my Queen.

Tennessee- You're welcome my Queen.

Blue- So how is everyone feeling now that the fucking psycho bitch is gone?

Ace- I feel fucking great. I can finally live my life the way I want to and how I want. I can finally be with Summer and not have to worry about a fucking thing.

Blue- I understand. It's nice to not have to look over our shoulders anymore.

Amethyst- I feel like I can finally breathe and not worry so fucking much.

Ace- I feel like that as well sis.

Tennessee- Fuck I think we all feel like that. Morgan was one of our biggest stress factors.

Grayson- That she was. Now we all can relax and not stress about what she is planning next.

Blue- Now let's hope the drama will stay away for a while.

Tennessee- Yeah let's hope.

Amethyst- When we get to the cabin I would like to talk to everyone it's about the wedding.

Grayson- Okay babe cuz we would like to talk about the wedding as well.

Amethyst- Okay.

I'm happy that she wants to talk about the wedding when we get there. This will be the perfect time to ask her if she is okay with us getting married at the park that's close to the cabin. Tennessee and I think it's a nice place to get married plus there is history at that park. Blue' and my great grandfather helped build that park so that is why it means a lot to me to get married there. Tennessee was happy that it had a meaning to me, plus he wants the wedding to be special and important to all of us.

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