~Chapter 5~

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~Amethyst' POV~

I'm still sitting in my office thinking about who would be so fucking stupid to steal from us. I get pulled out of my thoughts when I hear our dragon sound doorbell go off. Holy shit Tennessee is here. I stand up from my desk and walked out of my office closing the door behind me. I walk into the living room when I see Cherish our prospect answer the door. I can hear everything they say.

Cherish- Hello how can I help you?

Tennessee- Hey we are here to see your President.

Cherish- Okay may I ask who are you?

I'm thinking to myself why is she asking so many questions. So before Tennessee can answer her I yell to her.

Amethyst- Prospect let them in you should already know who they are.

Cherish- Sorry Prez but no I don't know who they are. But please come in.

She moves to the side to let them in.

Amethyst- Prospect this is Tennessee President of The Grey Wolves MC. And if I had to guess who is with him it's probably his Vice President, Sargent at arms, Enforcer, Treasure, and Road Captain am I correct on that Tennessee?

Tennessee- Yes Amethyst you would be correct. It's nice to see you again Sweetness.

Amethyst- It's nice to see you as well Ness. So let's head to the chapel and let's get this meeting started.

Amethyst- Sapphire, Genesis, River, Sky, and Dallas chapel now.

Sapphire- Yes Prez.

Genesis- Right away Prez.

River- Sure thing Prez.

Sky- Okay Prez.

Dallas- Yes Prez.

Tennessee and his men followed us to our chapel and they took a seat at the table.

Amethyst- Okay so let me introduce you to myself and my girls. I'm Amethyst the President of The Dragon's.

Amethyst- This is Sapphire my Vice President.

Sapphire- It's nice to meet you all.

Amethyst- This is Genesis my Sargent at arms.

Genesis- Nice to meet you all.

Amethyst- This is River my Enforcer and her sister Sky my Treasure.

River- Hi nice to meet you all I'm River.

Sky- I'm Sky it's nice to meet you all.

Amethyst- And this is Dallas my Road Captain.

Dallas-Hey it's nice to meet you all.

Tennessee- Hello okay now let me introduce myself and my boys. I'm Tennessee the President of The Grey Wolves.

Tennessee- This is Memphis my Vice President.

Memphis- Hey it's nice to finally meet you Amethyst and it's nice to meet the rest of you.

Amethyst- It's nice to meet you as well Memphis.

Tennessee- This is Storm my Sargent at arms.

Storm- Amethyst it's nice to finally meet you I heard a lot of good things about you. Also, it's nice to meet the rest of you.

Amethyst- It's nice to meet you Storm. And I'm glad it's been all good things you heard about me.

Tennessee- This is Phoenix, my Enforcer.

The Dragon's MC 🐉(Completed ✔)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang