chapter twenty eight|| save him

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TW mention of death, telling someone to kill them self, scratches and bruises, U! Roman

"Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no." Virgil panicked, crying and pacing around the room. "WE JUST LOST JANUS WE CAN'T LOSE HIM TOO!"

"W-Well Virgil hopefully Dw will be there to stop him." Logan tries to reason, mentally cursing at himself when he stuttered.

"Oh yeah because she'll definitely be awake right now." Virgil sarcastically panics.

"What will happen to T-Thomas's deceit?" Patton asks. "Will he be without it?"

"Well Patton I-" Logan tries to answer but cuts himself off. "I-I don't know."

"GREAT!" Patton panics.

"I-I," Virgil starts. "I do."

"What?" Patton asks looking over at the anxious side. Logan did as well.

"I know what happens to the trait after a side dies. Don't ask me why i know because I don't want to say, but I do." Virgil says remembering what happened to the first Apathy.

"Well do you mind sharing what happens?" Logan asks.

"Not at all." Virgil starts. "What happens is they get kinda reborn? Like it's not them exactly but a new one gets made as like a replacement, and they're like a child." Virgil tries to explain.

"So they're a kiddo deceit out there, most likely in the dark side and lost." Patton asks.

"Yeah basically." Virgil answers.

"Well then we have to find him!" Patton jumps up almost forgetting about Remus.

"I'm afraid that is a bad idea as only I have had breakfast, We still have to do something with Janus's remains and we have lost Remus." Logan explains.

"Oh yeah Janus..." Patton says as if he just remembered his dead friend in the living room.

"The most logical thing to do with him is either burn the body or bury it, but in order to bury it we would need a coffin witch only Remus or Roman could conjure. But i say we find something to do with Janus for now and then look for Remus and the new Deceit." Logan explains trying very hard not to break down again.

"Well then what do we do with Janus?!!?" Virgil yells.

"Its best to put him in some sort of freezer." Logan says. "I believe we have an empty one down stairs."

"Okayyy, how about you take care of Janus and me and Virge will go find Remus and little deceit??" Patton says, not wanting to touch the body, knowing virgil wouldn't want to either.

Logan sighs. "Alright then." He goes into the living room while the other two sink out to the border.

Logan looks at the body, he didn't want to touch it either, but what could he do about it. He digs his hands under Janus, he was very shocked at how cold he was even though he knows why. As he picks up the body he feels his breakfast coming up but he keeps it down. He carries Janus down the stairs and finds an old freezer. It was one of those freezers that were wide and not tall, and because of Janus's lack of height he fit in the freezer. Logan places him in carefully but before he closes the freezer he sees scars that look like they should form words but because of the blood, other scars and burns they were unreadable. He closes it then double checks to make sure it's on. After he goes up stairs to clean the dry blood on the living room floor.

When Patton and Virgil get to the border they walk through the fog. Before they cross to the other side Virgil warns Patton of things that would be in the dark side, Patton starts getting a little worried. The two cautiously walk across the bridge and through the smoke wall.

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