chapter twenty five||'friendship'

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TW, manipulation, lying

After Remus was done crying he let go of Apathy.

".Sorry..." Remus mumbles.

"Don't apologize, you look like you need that." Apathy says plastering a sweet smile on his face.

"Yeah I probably did." Remus says giving a soft giggle after. "I'm going to look for my friends, want to come with me?" Apathy thinks about it for a moment.

"I don't know, i don't think they'll like me very much." Apathy says knowing full well that the others hate him.

"I'm sure i could convince them otherwise!" Remus says confidently

"No, Remus you don't understand." Apathy says.

"What don't i understand?" Remus asks.

"I don't think they'll hate me, I know they'll hate me, Roman has forced me to attack them and I had to act like I wanted to and I feel really bad and I-" Apathy pretends to hyperventilate while spitting out lie after lie like it's nothing.

"Then tell them that, tell them you were forced, they'll surely understand." Remus says trying to 'comfort' his new 'friend'.

"And what if they don't?" Apathy asks, fake crying.

"I'll be by your side the whole time and try to tell them otherwise." Remus smiles.

"Ok, Thanks." Apathy gives Remus a smile and grabs his hand, Remus holds Apathy's hand back.

They walk across the bridge while holding hands, Remus didn't think much of it. They held hands till they got to the light side house and Remus let go after seeing the damage of the house worrying if his friends were ok.

Remus ran towards and in the house with Apathy on his tail showing fake concern. When Remus noticed that none of his friends were down stairs he ran up to where the rooms were and looked in every one of them. Nothing. Remus ran back down stairs to see Apathy investigating the holes in the walls. Remus walks up behind him and hugs him while sobbing into his back.

"There not h-here..." Remus sobs into Apathy's back. Apathy turns around and hugs Remus properly.

"I'm sure they are somewhere safe." Apathy says trying to sooth Remus. He just keeps on crying while giving a small 'i hope so' as a response.

"What do i do now?" Remus asks, still crying into Apathy's shoulder.

"I don't know..."

It has been about a week and Remus and Apathy have just hung around the light side house while the other three were recovering. But today Emile said it was safe for them to go home as long they didn't do anything risky. But it didn't matter if they were looking for trouble because they found it anyway when they got home.

Apathy and Remus were just talking about nothing really, Apathy was getting quite tired of putting on this innocent persona but he did it anyway, he honestly didn't mind being overly nice to Remus after a few days.

The two heard the front door open and immediately looked towards the door. Remus jumped over the couch and ran over to the others like a puppy after you came home from work.

"Your back!" remus exclaims while Apathy was hiding behind the couch 'afraid' of the others.

"Remus!" Patton says while jumping into Remus's arms for a hug. "I was so scared that you died!"

"Nope i'm alive! And pretty well too!" After Apathy became Remus's 'friend' he calmed down a lot with the thoughts and visions so Remus's mental health has been a lot better. It got so much better after Apathy removed Remus's memory of Apathy telling him that Janus was dead. The higher his hopes were the easier it is to crash them down.

It didn't take long before the other two light sides joined the hug, all three of them so relieved that Remus's was alive and well. When the four of them parted Logan decides to ask Remus the question that's been on his mind for the last week,

"Is Janus ok?" Remus looks shocked at Logan's question. He looks down in disappointment.

"I haven't found him yet." Remus says. Apathy takes everything not to chuckle at this knowing full well that Janus was dead and that he killed him.

Logan sighs at Remus's response. He really wanted Janus to be ok. He was losing hope.

The three light sides walked into the living room and were very shocked to see Apathy on the living room floor.

"...Ummmm, Hi?" Apathy gets out.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!" Virgil yells, his voice turning demonic half way through.

"He's visiting!" Remus says with a smile.

"WHY?!!?" Virgil screams at him.

"Because we're friends!" Remus says happily.

"Remus, I don't think you know or understand what he's done. Apathy is most likely using you." Logan tries to explain to Remus.

"I know what he's done he's told me BUT he also told me the rest of the story." Remus explains.

"The rest of the story?" Patton questions.

"Yeah! It turns out Roro threatened him to hurt you guys and act super convincing!" Remus says.

"Sounds like bull to me." Virgil says crossing his arms with his voice back to normal.

"I agree with Virgil, it sounds like a lie." Logan says. Apathy starts to 'tear up'. Remus notices this and gives him a side hug, Apathy hugs back not looking away from the ground.

"He wouldn't..." Remus says, still clinging to Apathy.

"He would and he has!!" Virgil yells at him. "Do you really trust him more than you trust us?!!?" That question really got to Remus. Did he really trust Apathy more than his friends? He wanted a compromise where both parties could be happy but that's not an option.

"I- I don't know." Remus says with his grip loosening on Apathy.

"It's ok Remus, I knew they'd never believe me anyway, i'll just go." Apathy says, forcing himself out of Remus's grip and towards the door.

"Apathy..." Remus says as Apathy walks out the door, gives Remus one more sweet smile before leaving. After Apathy left Remus started trying to convince them even more but mostly failing. I say mostly because at one point Patton was starting to believe him until Logan convinced him otherwise. When Apathy left he was also relieved that he didn't have to wear a mask anymore.

When Apathy got to the border he just sat near the bridge because he's 'scared' of Roman. It also gave him some time to think of a plan so he wasn't really complaining. It turns out that was the right decision to make because fifteen minutes later Remus came running back to him. He was surprised the light sides didn't convince him that he was bad yet.

"What are you doing here Remus?" Apathy asks.

"I just wanted to see you." Remus says sitting down beside him.

"Well I appreciate it. I don't think the others really want you here." Apathy says using most of his brain power to think of a plan.

"Oh I know, that doesn't stop me though." Remus giggles. Apathy giggles a little too.

"I don't doubt that." Apathy and Remus giggle some more. Apathy doesn't actually care about Remus but he does find him rather entertaining in the least.

They talk for a little bit when Apathy decides to get started on his plan. First he makes the world around him darker, then he turns himself into a figure in Remus's eyes, and as the little cherry on top he adds unbearable intensive thoughts. Remus started panicking very quickly.

Apathy of course manages to calm him down. It probably would've been much harder if Apathy did not control what Remus was seeing. But his plan worked and Remus trusts him even more.

Currently Apathy and Remus are just hugging as Apathy calmly. Remus is really starting to trust Apathy, Apathy finds that hilarious.

Because he knows exactly what to do with his trust.


this chapter feels like a bit of a filler to me but oh well, BUT HEY THE OTHERS ARE BACK AND ALIVE

ALONE.. Remus sanders angst||completedWhere stories live. Discover now