chapter twenty three|| slowly dying

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TW torture, vague mentions of being hit, kicked, burned, drowned, and possible death

Logan was the first to wake up, he looked around the room. Usually he'd be able to figure out whose room it was but he wasn't his brilliant self today. When he looked around he saw many cartoon figures, plushies and posters along with many mental health books. It takes him awhile but he figures out whose room it is. This is Emiles room.

As if on cue Emile walks in the room and with Remy. Emile looks around and sees that Logan is awake.

"Oh goodie! One of you is finally awake!" Emile said excitedly.

"How did you find us?" Logan asks sitting up.

"You think I couldn't feel you babes dropping like flies." Remy answers, taking a long sip of his iced coffee.

Logan looks around the room some more and to his terror he doesn't see Janus. He double checks the whole room and yet again not there.

"Where is Janus?!!?" Logan asks with tears threatening to spill.

"We looked through the whole house and no one else was there. Was he supposed to be?" Emile answers quite concerned.

"Yes he was in my room with a major head injury." Logan answers in disbelief. Did Apathy get him?

"I'm sorry to say but he wasn't there... I'm sorry." Emile says.

"It's ok, it's not your fault Emile." Logan says, forcing himself not to cry.

The rest of the day was pretty slow paced. Mostly waiting for the others to wake up. Virgil wakes up next, then patton a few hours later. They watched a movie and whenever one one them wished to leave to look for either Janus or Remus, Emile would force them back into bed because of their poor physical health. That left only for their imagination to think about what happened to Janus.


The others have passed out due to Apathy's wonderfully sharp knife. But he doesn't kill them as they're not what he's here for. He rids the knife and goes on a search for Janus. He was so excited to finally get his revenge on the snake side. He could barely contain his excitement. You might wonder why he had such a grudge on Janus well, i'll tell you exactly why.


It was years ago, before creativity was even split. There were only three dark sides, deceit, anxiety, and Apathy. Apathy was the worst of them all, doing heartless things for the fun of it. He was horrible and needed to be rid of. So that's what Janus did.... Or tried to. Janus, with the help of Virgil, tried to push Apathy to the very back of the dark side, and they got so close but Apathy was stubborn and fought back. But Janus was stronger and accidently killed him, and Virgil was there to see it, that's why Virgil was so afraid of him. Janus was terrified of himself.

But about an hour later a new Apathy was created, and he is the Apathy we know and hate today. Apathy messed with Janus and Virgil enough for them to tell him why the one before him had died. After months he broke them and they told him, and he was furious. He then became just as much trouble as the last one to see if Janus would kill him too. Janus did try and push him to the back of the mind but this time he succeeded. Janus took away Apathy's freedom and now was the time to get his revenge.


Apathy was now skipping joyfully up the stairs looking for Janus and calling out his name in a rather creepy but joy filled way. He checked each room till he found him. He found Janus with his horrible head injury and passed out in Logan's room absolutely helpless. He picked up the snake side and carried him back to his room in the dark side, he would have sunk out but he couldn't do that while carrying Janus. He did see the hole in the bridge but fixed it with his magic and didn't think much of it. The bridge was pretty fragile anyway.

When he got to his room he tried Janus up to a chair. He really wanted Janus awake when he was torturing him so with a swipe of his hand Janus was 100% healed and woke up. Janus looked up at the orange side with horror, and was even more horrified when Apathy got started.









P A I N.

That's all that went through Janus's head for the next few hours. Is this the end? Because it sure feels like it.

After Apathy was done he left Janus in the chair, Knowing he would most likely bleed out and die.


hello again,i finally have a longer chapter out, and I'm sorry janus stans i really am

ALONE.. Remus sanders angst||completedWhere stories live. Discover now