chapter twenty seven||out of the picture

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TW, descriptions of a dead body, i think that's it.

That night was a good one, for the most part. Apathy was gone and he wasn't bothering Remus the night. It was nice. Of course it took a while to get to the point. There was lots of crying and apologizing but they got there, and after such a long time they all had a peaceful sleep. No nightmares, no worrying, no nothing, just sleep, it would be an understatement in saying that they all needed it too. And it's good that they got a nice sleep, because they need the extra energy for what they face the next day.

Logan was the first to wake up at six o'clock sharp, like always, and did his daily routine. Nothing was exactly different until he got down stairs to eat his breakfast.

The funny thing is that he almost missed it, the thing that changed many people's lives. He didn't see it till he was done his crofters toast and was going to sit on the couch while drinking his coffee which he has never dropped.

Logan was reading a news article on his phone when he looked up for a second to make sure he wasn't going to run into anything. And there it was, Janus, in the middle of the living room, dead as a doornail. That's what Logan found, Janus's corpse in the living room. It was life shattering really, he even dropped his coffee.

Tears welled in his eyes as he looked at his dead friend. It looks as if he's been dead for at least a week, probably was terrifying, he had so many burns, cuts, stab wounds and other things Logan couldn't identify. There was a noticeable note beside it though, so Logan decided to try and read it. Logan, very wobbly, walked over to his dead friend and picked up the note. It wasn't long nor descriptive but it was enough to cause the tears to spill.

This is all your fault :)


Logan didn't even know who it was directed at, it was most likely Remus, but at that moment it did feel like it was all his fault. If he didn't leave him during the attack he might still be here. But no, his friend, one of his best on top of that, was dead and it was his fault. Later on he understood that there were many factors here and it was most likely not his fault but at this very moment it was. All the fault was at Logan, he was why his friend was dead, and no one else.

His vision started to betray him. With the tears and the regret combined he just couldn't see anymore, couldn't hear, couldn't talk, couldn't think. Everything was a blur, but all he knew is that it was his fault. Despite being logic, his mind was anything but logical. He hated moments like these. He feels helpless. And it was all his fault.

He subconsciously backed up into the wall, when he hit it he just fell down it. He fully let the tears go. He let the waterfalls fall down his face while he thought, about Janus specifically. About all the great times, about how'll he'll never see him alive again, about the fact that he's been dead for who knows how long and he didn't know, about just, Janus. It was kinda like his life flashed before his eyes but it was just memories of Janus.

He sat there, note in hand, for who knows how long. Or well, I guess it was about forty five minutes as he heard a blood curdling scream from beside him, it was Patton.

Patton never got up this early but he's been making an effort to wake up earlier for Remus, he's been doing better too, especially on weekdays.

Logan shot his head towards Patton when he heard the scream, he was already crying. Patton, with his heads clamped over his mouth, looked in terror at Janus's remains. He hardly noticed Logan who he even saw first. He already had waterfalls flowing down his face. Patton found himself short of breath and with his vision getting very blurry.

Patton's mind was freaking out, but not as much as Logan's was. He didn't blame himself. But his brain was filled with memories, memories that he'll never have again, it hurt.

Unfortunately he didn't get to finish his panic because the other two heard Patton's scream and came to investigate.

Remus... Remus is going to blame himself, isn't he.

Logan remembered this fact and tried to get to Remus before he could do anything self destructive or kill himself. But he was too late. Remus sank down before Logan could grab him. Logan begang panicking and the other two were not far behind him. They already lost Janus; they didn't need to lose him too.

What they didnt know is that wasn't what Remus was going to do. No no no. Sure he was very very sad at the loss of his friend but it was overruled by a different emotion, Rage. He was beyond pissed. All of that anger was of course directed at Apathy. It didn't take a genius to understand it was him who killed Janus. Remus was done with Apathy ruining everything. So he was going to take care of the problem himself.

First he needed to find him. It wasn't hard actually. Remus sunk down to where the pit was and there Apathy was. He probably wanted to watch Remus kill himself but that's not what's going down.

Remus summoned his morningstar, Apathy got confused very fast. Remus didn't hesitate to knock Apathy out. Remus had the idea of throwing him in the pit but he isnt a murder. So he goes with the second option, the back of the mind.

He grabbed the unconscious Apathy by the collar of the shirt and ran towards the back of the mind. He didn't care about the many scratches and burns he is probably giving Apathy because he deserted it.

The farther Remus got the harder it was. There was a very obvious lack of energy here and he didn't know how much longer he could go. To his disadvantage Apathy woke up. He immediately began fighting Remus, he didn't want his freedom taken away again.

He was kicking and fighting but he never got out of Remus's grasp. Remus, of course, kept on storming towards the back of the mind. He could also tell that with the lack of energy and the fact that Remus knocked him out, Apathy was tiring himself out. Good, Remus didn't know how much more of his fighting he could take.

Apathy did tire himself out, he wasn't passed out but he was too tired to move. Remus looked in the distance and he could see the barrier to the back of the mind. All he had to do was get there, throw Apathy in, and leave.

Remus, who got a little too excited, started sprinting to the back. He just so desperately wanted for Apathy to be out of the picture. So he ran.

Once he got to the back he no hesitation threw Apathy in. It took some extra effort and kicking some of him in but he was there. Apathy was out of the picture. Finally.

Remus started trudging back and, remember what I said about Remus running the rest of the way? Turns out that it was a very bad idea, because now he's even more drained of energy and can hardly walk. Due to lack of energy he gets on his hands and knees and starts to slowly crawl. He had such a hard time keeping his eyes open. It was bad. Eventually the lack of energy won and he passed out.

Only about fifty feet away from the back of the mind.

ALONE.. Remus sanders angst||completedWhere stories live. Discover now