chapter nine||ridding of 'mistakes'

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TW Very unsympathetic roman, suicide attempt (Oops I did it again), talk of weapons and nooses, tell me if I missed anything.

It is currently three thirty a.m. and I, the amazing prince Roman can't fall asleep. Its my stupid brothers fault, if he didn't make such a fuss when snakey joined us he wouldn't be here. But he's here, passed out in the living room.

I don't really understand why everyone cares so much anyway, all he is is intrusive thoughts that are better off gone anyway. I'm the important one, I was given everything good and helpful during the split. Why would Thomas want to throw out anything useful.

I would kill him myself but I would definitely lose my spot in the light sides. Hopefully I can find a way for him to do that himself.

I shoot up from my bed as I come up with a great idea. I dash down stairs but am still making sure I don't wake anyone. I look at my sleeping brother as he tosses and turns in his sleep, must be having a nightmare.

Using the magic of creativity I entered his dream. I was right it's definitely a nightmare, but I'm here to make it worse.

I stopped whatever was going on in his dream and moved towards him. I quickly disguise myself in a black cloak and float over to my dear brother, it's a dream i can float if i want to. I look at him, he's having a panic attack.

I lean to his ear and start whispering, whispering how he's worthless and better off dead, whispering how he's a bother to everyone around him and they're only pitying him, and much more. His panic increases, perfect.

I summon all sorts of things, knives, nooses, pills, and other weapons. His looks at me confused. I crouch down to his ear.

"Do it." Is all I whisper. He listens and runs over to the items while I quickly exit the dream.

I quickly pick myself up off the floor and sprint over to the kitchen, grab a knife, then sprint back to Remus and put it right beside him for when he wakes up.

How much I want to watch him end it is strong but if he lives he might remember me being here and tell the others. I don't want to be caught now do i?

I quickly sprint up the stairs and head to bed, finally being able to fall asleep.

Remus wakes up from his dream and remembers it all. He shifts around trying to calm himself as he feels a sharp metal object under him.

"A knife when did this get here?" He thinks to himself as he picks it up. He starts to remember the dream, this is here for a reason. He finds it strange that after that dream there would be a knife under him but he doesn't question it too much.

He stares down the knife preparing for his end, he wishes to be dramatic with this so he decides to stab his throat. Positioning the knife he prepares himself for the pain and the end to come, bliss...

He backs up the knife so he has more momentum when he plunges the knife in his throat, when...

"REMUS NO!" Virgil spots him due to not being able to sleep and just coming down for a midnight snack.

Remus decides to plug the knife in his throat even with Virgil there. Virgil, having quick reflexes, manages to hold Remus's arms back and the knife only grazed him.

Virgil was expecting Remus to blow up at him like he did yesterday- well technically it was two days ago. But all he did was looked him in the eye with the most sad sorrowful look Virgil has ever seen, waterfalls going down his cheeks, while saying in a drained quiet voice

"Please... just let me go..."

This alone almost made Virgil break down but he was determined to make sure Remus lives, but there was one problem, he wasn't strong enough to pry the knife from his hands, only strong enough to hold him back and even that was difficult.

"Remus please let go of the knife.." He tried to negotiate while keeping his voice soft and quiet.

"No" Remus quickly answered back.

"Please." Virgil pleaded, not wanting to be here all night.

"Never" he says. Virgil knows he's not going to change his answer so he decides on a different approach.

He quickly hugs Remus while making sure to cover his neck.

"Please Remus... I don't want you dead..." Virgil pleaded one last time. This broke Remus and Virgil heard the knife hit the ground without hurting anyone. Then they both reposition to make it more comfortable.

Remus lightly hugs him while Virgil holds on to him as if his life depended on it. Remus was holding back a wave of tears, Virgil noticed this.

"It's ok to cry, I don't mind." Virgil softly whispers in his ear, and with that Remus breaks down, crying multiple waterfalls of tears and now holding on to Virgil for dear life.

Virgil rubs circles around his back while whispering praise into his ear, calming Remus down a bit and making him feel at the most peace he has felt in what feels like forever.

The two sat like this until peacefully falling asleep in each other's arms.

ALONE.. Remus sanders angst||completedWhere stories live. Discover now