My lips curled and I march towards her in anger as I noticed she is at the farthest corner of the backstage area. After working hard for weeks she is hiding in here. Whilst the other prick teachers are greeting the parents. Zara had arranged all this on her own, she should have been there.

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I leave a kiss below her ear. Breathing her in to calm my nerves.

"So that's what it feels like to hug you without a handbag hanging off your shoulder." I tease, nipping on her skin.

Her arms came over mine, she craned her neck to look into my eyes. "Now I feel like I have lost an arm." She answered pecking my lips.

"What are you doing back here.?" I grit when I noticed the tears glistening in her eyes. I will fucking burn the auditorium down. These motherfuckers are being too daring every day. Taunting Zara, back bitching about her. I only have to give them a glimpse behind my mask and they will shit in their pants.

"No one said anything..." She whispered, kissing my jaw. When she began to rock her body in my hold, I knew she was deeply disturbed by something. She does it mindlessly, Maximus' hidden recording in the staff room comes later in my knowledge to help me clearly understand the newest gossip they have cooked about Zara under Bilson's backing.

I raise my brows in disbelief. "Today. Nobody said anything today, Gian." She added nuzzling our noses together, a great distracting strategy. Strange.! Those teachers always have something to say about Zara. They must be too busy looking decent for the show, cleansing their soul temporarily.

"Then what the fuck are you doing here?" I groan.

Some happy music that had been running along stopped. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Zara also clapped for the kids. The teacher I have forgotten the name of came on stage and bowed to the audience.

"Fucking bitch." I shout, pointing an angry finger in their direction. "Why the fuck is she taking the credit." I shook Zara's shoulder.

She was appalled by my outburst, but I was fucking furious. In the past weeks, all I heard from her mouth was praises about the little monsters and now she is fucking hiding.

Zara's eyes pooled with tears, "She is not taking the credit, Gian. She is their class teacher." Zara choked out, cupping my cheek shifting my angry gaze away from the stage to her face.

I gnash my teeth at that lame excuse. "So you are telling me you will go over there when your class will perform?" I challenge in a low threatening tone, gripping her hip tightly.

Her head hung low and she weakly shook her head. I lean my forehead on her and close my eyes to gather some patience, these days all my patience is spent on dealing with her.

Placing my fingers below her chin I tip her head up and peck on the corner of her lips. "Look at me, Zara." She peered at me through her damp lashes. "You went out of the way for those kids. Helped them when you didn't need to. I just want your hard work to be recognized." I whisper.

"And I just want to see them perform with confidence. It will be good for their future." She whispered, kissing my cheeks. My grip on her hip loosens, as I sighed in defeat.

"You're too good for your own good, Principessa." I whisper. My mind reeled off for ample of plans to create a ruckus here and see what the responsible teachers will fucking do. But the thought went as it came.

Angry, my eyes snapped to the stage again. The little humans were now taking their place on the stage and most of them were...

"Are they Christmas trees, Zara?" I asked incredulously. Zara burst into laughter. I licked the tears from the corner of her eyes. My chest warmed to see the smile on her face.

Mafia & Miss Honey  | Mafia Heirs #1 |   ✓Where stories live. Discover now