Chapter 70 "We Know"

Start from the beginning
                             what did she say?

Danny:Ava is not awake yet and the others are still training with Janet

Peter:...are you sure you still want to be around me? Ava might be looking for you when she wakes up

Danny:It'll be fine love...can I have a bite?
*he asked shyly as Peter looks at his opened food and he nods while uses the fork to stab into the chicken salad and place it into Danny's mouth. He smiled as he pulls the fork away and began to eat but his spider sense had went off; he looked around for any sense of danger but he didn't see anything out of the ordinary in a floor full of people*
What's wrong love?

Peter:Nothing...I just gotten a chill, nothing serious

Danny:Are you cold? Do you want me to give you my jacket?

Peter:It's fine...
(That's...odd, I felt like someone was looking at me but I don't know where, it wasn't going off at Danny again wasn't it? No, if it did then I would have done something to scare him again...and it only goes off whenever Danny touches me whenever I'm distracted, so it can't be him...)
Do you want another bite?
*he asked as the plastic fork had chicken and lettuce again, Danny responded with a small nod with red on his face. Peter fed it to him again as he was keeping an eye out from his spider sense tingling again*


They both walked out of the mall after they finished eating while they were locking arms with each other. Danny was holding Peter's bags as Peter would look around from his sudden spider sense. Danny had noticed Peter's distraction and looked around for anything to attract Peter's distraction from. He eagerly drags Peter to a food truck at the end of the street. Peter stood beside Danny who was ordering and he felt his head tingle again; he turned around right where he saw a dark figure disappear from the distance in a crowd of people. He felt an arm lock around his and he notices that it was Danny who had already paid with his treat in his hand; they both began to walk away from the food truck as Danny looks at Peter's disturbed expression.

Danny:What's wrong Pete?

Peter:Nothing...what did you buy?

Danny:I bought a waffle ice cream cone, I heard from Emma once that she wanted to invite me out to try on but I never had the chance

Peter:I did heard that it's good...have you even talked to Emma recently?

Danny:I haven't

Peter:When are you planning on talking to her? It's almost Christmas and you should give her a card or something

Danny:...Would she even like that?

Peter:You're asking me? What does Emma like?
*Danny went silent*
You don't know do you?

Danny:I don't...we don't really talk about things like that

Peter:Then you two should talk more often than just sticking around with me

Danny:Sorry~, do you want a bite love?
*he offers the waffle cone to Peter who had shook his head*

Peter:How can you eat ice cream in this time of weather? You even ate more than I did and yet you're eating more

Danny:I thought you knew that to summon my iron fist I need to eat more than others

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