"Follow your heart, its best to live without regret then live unhappy in an old wanted dream" Kuro answered before walking away.

Pidge glanced to the letters once more before letting a small breath out. Giving a slight nod to herself before heading back to her room and placing the letter away in her wooden book where she been keeping any letters sent by Matt or Lotor over the passed year.

She glanced to her armour, remembering the first time she placed it on and how she felt. A fond smile on her lips before she let her shared room and headed towards the kitchen. She was going to follow her heart and she knew it was the right path to take.

"Hey Hunk" She smiled, walking into the small kitchen left for knights to cook within on their day's off.

"Sorry Pidge but I haven't cooked anything for you or the others to steal yet" Hunk shot back without turning to her as he pulled out ingredients.

"Actually, I was wondering you could help me bake some cupcakes for everyone. The red velvet cake, I have a recipe to follow but I was never really in a kitchen as a child" Pidge shyly asked as she held up the stolen recipe while Hunk just stared at her.

"You want to bake" Hunk asked making sure he heard her correctly.

"Yes, red velvet cupcake that's done by this old recipe. Can't be done any other way" Pidge answered as she walked closer, passing the recipe to hunk.

"We can do that, any reason why you want to treat us" Hunk asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl who normally just stole his sweet treats from him when they cooling down.

"Can't say, top secret" Pidge replied, glancing away and Hunk just nodded.

"Understood, lets get baking" Hunk smiled, walking around and getting the needed ingredients out while putting the once he planned to use for his pie away.

It took some team work and Hunk stick teaching and a little mean side comments over her baking skills but the cake was done. Cooked rather well if Pidge could brag over her first baked cupcakes.

Placing them carefully in a lunchbox before leaving, not giving a cupcake to Hunk even when he begged for a taste test. She had a goal with these cupcakes and she wasn't going to give them up so easily.

Hiding them up in the castle where she knew no one else would ever find them before she started walking over to the water fountain, seeing Lance sitting with his feet dipped in. Giving a friendly wave as he turned and smiled at her.

"Want a dip, it feels great on this nice day" Lance offered as he tapped the spot beside him.

"Actually, I was wondering if you could help me with shopping. I need a simple but nice dress that I could ware tonight on a friend only date. Two hours maxed with the shopping trip" Pidge asked instead, holding up two fingers to show she won't stay any longer with or without a dress.

"Oooh, who the guy" Lance asked with a goofy grin, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I um want to thank Shiro and was planning a picnic with him but he doesn't know it yet" Pidge answered slightly embarrassed as she never really tried thanking someone by treating them before. 

"Got it, well what are we doing wasting the two hours with chitchat" Lance grinned, jumping up and grabbing her hand before running towards the gate without any care he wasn't wearing any shoes.

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