Chapter 31

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The Final Battle

~Reader's POV~

You held on to Roy's glasses while staying further away from the fight. Squeezing your hands very tightly with your eyes closed, praying very hard. Hoping that Roy wins this fight and wanting your crazy younger brother to stop this madness.

Oh God, please help Roy win. And stop this horrible nightmare for us all.

Finished praying, you opened your eyes and go back to watching the fight. Seeing that the two of them going all hard in their battle. Bruises, cuts, blood dripping, scratches, and even hearing their blades clanging at each other. Then spotted Roy had brutally kicked Nikku on the stomach that made him cough out of his spit. It made you look away from it that you don't want to see that horrible scene.

Couldn't believe that you were completely blind from not seeing Nikku's behavior before. That bright, loving, funny, and compassionate feeling..was just pretending. A fake. A facade. An act. He really doesn't love anybody, but you. Your head hung down, staring at the floor by going into the thoughts that's rambling inside your mind.

~Roy's POV~

In the middle of our fight, I and Nikku were panting heavily that we were going all out, making our stamina so very low. But surprisingly still standing. Even though our legs and arms are shaking like a leaf. I wipe the blood from the corner of my lip.

"Heh..your not bad." I smacked my teeth with a smirk. "With all this fighting and stuff. For a kid."

Nikku spits his blood on the floor and chuckles with a cold smile. "I would say the same. Didn't know that you can fight so well when we first met at school." He goes back into position. "Guess you were keeping it secret."

I did the same. "Yeah. Don't want everyone to be scared of me."

We dashed at each other again and in slow motion, swung our blades past each other like in the anime, and stand very still. It took a few seconds that I almost fell onto my knees because he got me on the ribs from his katana. But for Nikku, he started shaking violently, then fell to his knees. Holding on to his stomach that he's coughing out blood and harshly laid flat on the floor, lost consciousness.

I turned to the corner of my eye at him. "Get dunked on, kid.." Holding on onto my ribs as I fell on one knee. Slowly turning to (Y/N), seeing that she is completely scared but still safe. "It's over...we can go."

(Y/N) nodded and starts running towards me. But suddenly fell on the floor that her ankle has been Nikku! (Y/N) tries to struggle herself free from his grasp but Nikku climbed to her, wrapped his arm around her ribs, and the katana slightly pressed on her neck. Putting her on lock. How is this kid still moving after all of that fighting?!

I tried to go over to her. "You little sh-"

"Nuh-uh uh." Nikku pressed it closer. "Make another step, Onee-chan will meet her end." Pressing his face close to her cheek and slightly rubs. "I really don't want to hurt her and you know that. I love my onee-chan so much, I want her for myself always. Nobody else!"

Staying in place, panting heavily of trying to figure out how to get (Y/N) out of his grasp. But how? Sadly, I'm all out of options. Seeing (Y/N) so very scared that her tears are slowly rolling down from her eyes to her cheeks and her chin. Could this really be the end? A nightmarish end?

Nikku has his eyes closed. It seems that he's thinking about something. A few seconds later, his eyes are opened again then his smile grew even wider like a maniac.

"Y'know what. I've decided. Since I can't have onee-chan..nobody will! I can just kill her and kill myself! That way we can be together forever in the afterlife!!" He raised his katana high to release his final blow.

"NOO!!" I tried to get up but failed as being dropped to the floor with my whole body being very weak. Locking eyes on (Y/N) in terror. Reaching my hand out to her.

~Reader's POV~

This really is the end for you. You didn't want to believe it, but it really is happening right in your very eyes. Tears flowing like a waterfall as reaching your hands out to Roy. You closed your eyes real tight, waiting for the blow to end your life. Until hearing very loud footsteps coming from behind Nikku.

"This is the police force! Put your weapon down and hands in the air, now!" The officer shouted as they aimed their guns at Nikku. Seeing that Nikku had turned around and got distracted by them. Now it is your chance. You used your elbow and did a hard strike to Nikku's stomach that he started coughing again then dropped to his knees along with his weapon on the floor. You quickly ran to Roy and stayed by his side, helping him up from the floor to be his support.

The police quickly goes over to Nikku and pinned him down while putting handcuffs on his wrists. By walking outside along with the cops, you see plenty of police cars and probably two or three ambulances. You spotted the others are here as well with some wrapped up in a blanket. They ran to you and Roy with concern.

"Are you two alright?" Lucy asked as looking for any marks or anything to see if you were badly hurt.

You nodded with a slight sigh that released from your mouth. "We're fine."

"Even though, I'm really in pain." Roy winced a bit from the pain in his ribs.

Cedric wrapped his arm around Roy's shoulder blades. "Come with me. I'll treat your wounds." Taking him to one of the ambulances so Roy can be treated.

You watched Cedric taking Roy from the group so his wounds can be treated. Turning to see Nikku in handcuffs, the cops opened the door from the back of the police truck, then put him in with his other crew that is in handcuffs as well. Nikku had turned to look at you one last time before the door was closed and the siren had turned on, drove off to take them to prison.

You wrapped your arms around yourself and sighed again. Looking back at the group again to see Tonnie walking towards you.

"You must've contacted the police?" You asked her.

Tonnie nodded with a smirk of hers. "Thanks to Kesha's help, they came right away." Then she remembered something. "Also, this is for you." She goes into her back pocket and pulls out a paper that is folded up twice like a letter. Even though it is.

You kept your eyes on the letter. "Who's it from?"

"It's from Yuki. She told me to give this to you."

Then looking back at Tonnie like she's crazy about giving something to her that's from Yuki because your still mad at her that she betrayed you.

"I'm not reading that."

"Look. I know that she hoodwinked you for telling them where you are and that your upset about it. We all are. But this..will shock you. Trust me." Tonnie pulled it out to you even more. "So, read it."

You look at Tonnie and the letter back to back until you kindly took the letter. Slowly opened it, reads:

Dear (Y/N),

I know that your still mad at me that I betrayed you. But there is a serious reason why I did that. Nikku told me if I don't tell him where you are..him and his crew will kill my little sister and brother. They're the only family I have left. That's why I didn't have a choice. I'm sorry that I have broken our strong friendship. Telling you this now that I hope you understand why I did it. Deep down I hope you can forgive me one day for what I did. If not, then I completely understood the pain I gave you. Wishing that I wanted to go with you, but I really don't want to cause any more trouble than I already have. So I decided of going back home to take care of my siblings. Best of luck to you and your new family. Hope to see each other again real soon.

Your trusted friend,


You couldn't believe your very eyes after reading the letter. Understanding now that your true best friend had no choice but to do what your brother said for her to do. To protect her youngest siblings from being killed. Started crying again and pressing the paper very close to your chest, squeezing it real tight.

Tonnie looks at you with saddens in her eyes and slowly pulled you close for a hug to comfort you. The rest of the group came in and hugged you as well. A group hug.

The nightmare was finally over.

Winner: Roy and (Y/N)

Yandere Little Brother x Older Sister FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now