Chapter 9

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(Reader's POV)

The next morning, you started to move your body but you feel a little weak. Your back just hurting for no reason and it's a bit chilly as well. Same for your head. Wait? Are you sleeping on the hard floor? You sat up and looked around the area, realized that your in the basement.

You have no idea how you got down here, but when you got on your feet, you fall right back down on the floor.

"What the what?" You looked from behind and see that both of your ankles are chained up. "Why are my ankles chained up?"

"Oh, your awake and I chained your ankles up." Nikku's voice was heard and he walked downstairs to the basement then goes to you.

"Nikku? But, why?"

"Because I really don't want anyone else to be with you. So, your going to be with me." He goes to the wall and turns on the light, showing a huge picture of your face.

Your eyes widened of shock, not looking away from it. "Is that, me?"

"Yes. This is you. Do you like it? I made it myself. This is a gift from me to you because you mean so much to me." He sat down in front of you and cupped your cheeks. "I was the one, who killed your friends."

"What.." You looked at him, didn't know what to say. Then you both heard the door knocked.

Nikku turned to the door an back at you. "That must be Roy. Whatever you do, don't make a sound. If you do, I'll hurt you and I don't want to do that to my onē-san." He duct-tapped your mouth and closed the door behind him then goes to the front door to answer it.

(Nikku's POV)

After I duct-tapped (y/n)'s mouth, I head upstairs to the front door and answered it. It was Roy.

Roy looked down at me and smiled. "Hey, little buddy. Is your sister awake? Because we're going to the aquarium."

"I see. The aquarium is fun but unfortunately, she's not coming because onē-san is not feeling well today." I replied to him of being innocent on the outside but on the inside being a liar.

Roy's smile slowly faded away into a sad look. "Really? Oh ok. Tell her I hope she gets well soon."

"I will tell her that."

Then, noises was being heard and Roy tilted his head.

"What's that noise?"

"What noise?" I know what it was, just playing around with him.

"The noise. It sounded like, shackles."

"Oh, shackles. That's coming from the tv in the living room. I had the volume up a bit loud to hear them. Sometimes they act so quietly."

Roy nods to that statement. "True. Sometimes they do act softly. Well, I'm heading out. See ya." He turns around and headed off somewhere else.

"Bye." I closed the door and locked it, heading back downstairs to the basement.

(Reader's POV)

You kept shaking your shackles for Roy to hear you downstairs in the basement and heard the door opened, thinking that it was him coming to help you out. But sadly, it's Nikku and he's looking very unpleasant.

He comes in front of you and kneels down, with his arms crossed. "Why did you made such a noise when I told you not to.."

He grabbed the edge of the duct-tape from your mouth and suddenly ripped it all off of you.

You wince in pain and covered your mouth, looking at his cold emerald green eyes.

"I told you not to make any noises, but you did it anyway.."

"A-Aren't you going to hurt me?"

"Oh, onē-san." He put his hand on your neck and slightly smirks at you. "I'm not going to hurt least not yet. Also, Roy said get well soon." Then he pinched your skin at the spot and you fainted on the floor.

Yandere Little Brother x Older Sister FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now