Chapter 29

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~Clarence's POV~
The battle between me and Hector are still going on, even though we are huffing and puffing very heavily from punching, kicking, etc.
My eyes glared at Hector like I just want to shoot knives at him, but that's just all over in the head. Carefully watching his every movement, didn't know that calling himself a "Priest" would know Tai Chi is old days. But that doesn't mean that I have to give up easily and thinking that he can beat me. I have to think of some way to let him catch off guard. Even though it would be great if Ms.Victoria could help me at this right now!

"I say. Your skills are impressive, but mines are superior." Hector releases all of his attacks: throwing punches real fast like a snake is ready to bite its prey and kicks of a kangaroo like he was in boxing.

I start to dodge and block all of his attacks, even though he was going real fast like I wanted to give up and just let him end me, right here right now. But that was negative talk going all over in my head telling me to just quit already.

Suddenly, Hector did the leg swoop to knock me off balance and I fell on the floor landing on my bottom. I just couldn't believe I dropped my guard like that and going to lose from over a..Priest!! "Looks like this could be your end here, you unwanted child.." He looked down at me with a smile that still has a chill behind it and is ready to punch me on my chest to stop my heart from beating..breathing..leading me to my death.

Not until two arrows had shot behind him. One had shot him on the back of the leg and the other had shot him on his back of where his heart is, but not too close to hit it. Hector had groan in pain and fell on the floor folding himself in agony. I was a bit shocked and turned to see Ms.Victoria holding the bow in hand. She was the who saved me and finally just in time as well. Ms.Victoria ran to me and got into her knees, wrapped her arms around me of pulling me into a hug. "I'm so glad that your all right. Sorry I took forever to gather up the courage to save you from my horrible father. But I'm so grateful that he will be gone." "Yeah. He will be.."

Me and Ms.Victoria had decided to stay if Hector tries to do any funny business. "Ms.Victoria?" She turned her head to me that I called her name. I started to fiddle my fingers a bit that I became a little nervous. "Since I'm an orphan and I don't have any family, I was wondering if you could-" "Yes." I got interrupted by her answer and looked at her that she's smiling at me.

"Did you, really mean it?"

"Of course I do. You've been through so much of everything to come all the way here." Ms.Victoria smiled down at me with her warm presence. "And also, you are the acceptable child to me. So, I will be your mother."

Hearing her say the warm truthful words coming from her mouth makes me smile as well as I took my mask off and showed her my real smile that I'm in the family, a real loving family yet again.

Winner: Clarence and Victoria

Yandere Little Brother x Older Sister FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now