Chapter 21 (1/2)

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"So you've been here, when all the rest of us put this place back to working in good shape?" Brad asked Clarence the question.

Clarence nodded his head. "Miss Lucy accepted me here without telling you all.."

"It was a secret." Lucy added in. "I was going to introduce him to the other kids, but he wanted to be alone. So, I let him stay under the basement and Victoria knew about it as well because I only told her."

You and the rest turns to Victoria. Couldn't believe that both of them didn't tell y'all about Clarence.

Victoria looks down, feeling a bit guilty that she didn't tell the others. "It's true. The Captain told me about Clarence. I was taking care of him everyday without anyone noticing."

"So many secrets that are unfolding!!" Tonnie shouted in a whisper.

"How did they know that we live here, now?" Cedric asked Clarence a question.

Clarence looked to his left. "You can come out, now." The person slowly walks out of the shadow and the person revealed as, Yuki.

You couldn't believe your very own eyes. Yuki told Nikku where you were?! Your hands started to close into a fist and your body started to tremble. Your very upset with her, and also heartbroken that she betrayed you. " told them where we were.."

"(Y/n). Please, listen-" Yuki got caught off by the punch that's coming from you. That was the very first time you had punched someone. She had fallen on the floor and holds her cheek that has been punched as she looks directly at you. Knowing that you are deeply upset with her.
"You betrayed us.." You continued on while your still breathing hard.
"I know what I did was wrong." Yuki sits up while holding her cheek. "It was stupid of me, but you have to list-"
"I thought you were my close friend!" You cut her off again. "We were suppose to stick together, as always!!" The room grew completely silent for a second. Then someone started whimpering. It was you. The tears slowly coming down to your cheeks and hit the floor like rain drops. You wanted to cry, but since your too upset to do that, you walked away from Yuki instead.

The group watches you walking away to the other side of the wall, feeling the huge tension circling around the basement.

"Anyways, we need to call the police." Angelica broke the awkward silence and pulls out her phone from the pocket of her summer dress then is about to dial the number.

"No don't do that!" Tonnie quickly takes the phone away from Angelica and puts it in her pocket instead. "Ryan is the Master of Hacking. He can hack to your phones to find where you are and does everything like other hackers do!"

"It's true." Clarence butted into the conversation. "He can hack into anything.."

"Is there any other way that we can contact the police?" Roy asked, getting a bit panicked.

"There is." Clarence points at the computer that's on the table with a headset and wires connected to it. "We can use that to connect someone at the police station to send help. But we have to block Ryan from hacking us as many times as possible."

Tonnie looks at Clarence, so in shock that he knows everything about them. "I like this kid already." She spread a smirk on her face and rises her fist with pure confidence. "I'll have to fight fire with fire to beat my brother so we can get help." Tonnie goes to the computer and turns it on.

"Such an upbeat spirit.." Clarence admired the motivation that Tonnie has within her. He turns with the others. "Who's going to stay here to protect her?"

"I'll stay here." Brad finally spoken and steps out from the crowd and stands on guard next to Tonnie while his big machine gun. "Don't want anything to happen to Ton."

Tonnie turns to Brad and her face starts to heat up for a short second and looks away.

Clarence gets the hammer from the closet and starts hitting the floor in the middle of the room. He kept doing it again, again, and again until he sees plenty of cracks that he can finally pull the pieces off. After all the rock pieces were off, a secret passage has revealed. Clarence opened the door and all the weapons were well hidden there.

"My word. How did you know that these weapons were in here?" Cedric asked Clarence.

"I read some article about a person who usually worked here before this place got shutdown." Clarence replied back to Cedric but continues on. "That person was a hit man but wants to live a normal life instead. So, he hid all his weapons in here and never been heard of again.." (Very smart to remember that from a 10 year old) He turns back to the group. "All of you need to grab a weapon, because this is getting serious. It's time to show them what your made of.."

The room gone silent again. The whole group going in deep thought about this, even yourself. But Lucy steps up and stands next to Clarence. "He's right. We've been in our hiding spot for way too long. It's time to face back."

Victoria does the same that she agrees with Lucy and Clarence. "They're right. It's time to show them what for."

The whole group looked at each other and nodded as they each get a weapon or two. You was still at the wall, all alone with your mixed emotions that you couldn't get to calm down. A hand has reach out to you, it was Roy. He wants you to join them so you help them put an end to their forsaken nightmares and yours. You looked at him for a short moment and decided that you wanted to end this. You took his hand as he walked you back to the group so you can get a weapon.

"Alright, one last thing before we do this." Clarence goes to the small box and opens it to see all the ear pieces inside. He gave each one to them. "Put this on your ear so we can get an update from Tonnie whenever she reaches someone at the police station."

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Tonnie asked when she turns to look at the group and they all nodded. She nodded as well and puts on the headset. "Okay. Let's jack in!!" (does everybody get that reference from Teen Titans Go? Just me?)

Yandere Little Brother x Older Sister FemReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora