Chapter 13

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(Third person's POV)

"T-Tell me what?"

Nikku spread a wide smile and turns to (y/n), bringing his face close to her's.

"I killed mom and dad before the car reck."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened of misbelief. "You did what?"

"Killed mom and dad.."

~Flashback to 10 years ago~

Younger Nikku is at the dojo by himself, looking straight at his katana. In his mind, he wants to kill the parents for being in his way that wanted to be with (y/n).

Every time they go, (y/n) follows them. Nikku wants to go as well but the parents wouldn't let him because he was too young. So he has to stay in the house with the sitter. He was very angry at that. So, he has a plan to get rid of them for eternity.

Nikku runs to the parents with a smile and gave them something. "Here's a little something I got for you two for being the best parents in the world." He gave the chocolate bar to dad and a bottle of green tea to mom.

"Thanks, Nikku." Dad thanked him.

"Thank you, Nikku. You are such a sweetheart." Mom smiled at him.

The parents walked out the door and to the car then drove to the street.

Nikku closed the door, locked it, then has a smirk on his face that his plan is going perfectly.

At the road, dad started to unwrap the chocolate bar because he's a little hungry and took a bite of it. Mom opens the bottle cap and drinks half of her tea. Then, mom started to cough and it's a nasty one.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Dad asked in a worrying tone.

"I" cough "don't know!" Mom drinks the other half of the bottle of green tea to make the cough go down a little, but it made a whole lot worse. She kept coughing and coughing and her face started to turn red. Kept going and going until finally, she stopped and her head laid back to the car seat, dead with her eyes open.

"Hon-" Dad felt something funny in his stomach, like something moving inside him. Suddenly, he start to spit big pools of blood out of his mouth and splattered on the window. More blood was coming out of him until he died with eyes opened.

The car crashed to the other until the police cars and the ambulance came to the scene.

~End of flashback~

Nikku spread a huge smile and chuckled a little. "I put a razor in the chocolate bar and poison in the green tea. That's how they died before the car reck."

(Y/n)'s eyes started to swell up in tears. "Nikku, you've gone insane! Your a monster!!"

Nikku throws the tray of breakfast and it slams hard to the wall. He cupped her cheeks and stares at her with his cold emerald green eyes.

"And your going to like this insane force." He ties her wrists up to a pole with a rope real tight.

"Wh-What are you g-going to do to me now?" (Y/n) asked, shaking in fear.

Nikku just smirked again. "Something more fun and brutal.."

Then he starts to rip her clothes off .


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