4. How is it possible ??!!!

Beginne am Anfang

"Doctor you are mistaking something"

"No, Mr Rishi, I am not, because I was the doctor who treated you after that accident, you barely survived that time too, and I was the one who declared your pregnant wife Riya dead, along with your child."

Rudra looked at the doctor with wide eyes full of confusion

Doctor started talking again staring into Rudra's eyes

"My wife Dr Shalini was your wife Riya's Gynecologist, so I m not mistaking anything. Me and my wife knows you and your wife since you both have shifted here in Singapore."

"Singapore!!!!! ?????"

What the hell!!!!!

Rudra's mind was on high alert,

'What is going on, how come I am in Singapore, and why is he calling me Rishi again and again, and he is calling Richa as Riya and stating that she is dead. I don't understand what's happening '
Rudra thought.

he was not able to understand anything what was doctor saying. He thought for a moment and said

"Can I have my phone and wallet, do you have it ?"

" Yes, we have all medical records and your belongings at the time of accident"

Doctor asked the nurse to bring Rishi's medical file and bag of his belongings, nurse went out.

Rudra was in deep thoughts

' how come I was in a accident in Singapore ?....
'I remember clearly, I was coming back from my office meeting in Chennai and on the way of my home in Hyderabad '

Rudra thought and he was so confused right now, nothing is making sense to him at the moment.

"Rishi....Rishi.... Rishiiii?? "

Called the doctor

Rudra looked up with questioning eyes

"Rishi, I know it's hard for you to get over the loss of Riya and your baby, but you have to except the truth, it's been a year "

Rudra couldn't say anything, he just stared at the doctor with blank stare

Nusre came with a small bag and a file in her hand, she passed those to the doctor and went out again.

Doctor passed the file and bag to Rudra and pulled his bed up in a sitting position with the handle at the foot of his bed.

Rudra took those things with shaking hands, he was afraid what is he going to find out next ?

Rudra opened the bag first, there was a wallet, a broken screen Phone and a charger, a key chain with a house key and a car keys too, but the strange thing was, that they were not 'his'. Not the phone nor the wallet and also not the both set of keys. He took out the wallet first because definitely the phone would be out of charging, he opened the unknown looking wallet and he found a stranger couple photograph in there,

A beautiful woman back hugged by a handsome man, they were both smiling happily to the camera.

Rudra looked up and showed it to the doctor and said

" look I told you that you are mistaken, this is not my wallet nor these things are mine"

doctor looked at him as if he has lost his mind

"But these are yours Rishi, look, there is a picture of you n Riya in there "

Rudra was more confused now, how can this doctor say that, even after looking at this photograph , I m definitely not in the picture.

"But doctor it's not me, can't you see..??"

Rudra placed that picture close to his face and asked the doctor

"See, he doesn't looks like me at all "

"No, it's definitely you " replied the doctor in a calm and collected voice.

Rudra pulled back his hand and looked at the picture again,

'No, it's not me, how can he say that, is he out of his mind?? '

Rudra thought looking at the picture in his hands

Doctor got worried about Rishi's mental condition, he thought that the multiple accidents and truma of losing his family must have effected his mind.
He pulled out his phone from his pants pocket and called Rishi...

"Rishi.... look at me, I will prove to you that it's you in that picture "

Rudra looked up, and at the same time doctor clicked the picture of him and put his phone screen infront of Rudra's face.

Rudra's eyes went wide with shock and disbelief at what he saw on the phone's screen....

On the phone's screen,... It was the same face of that man, who was in the picture in the wallet, which was still there in Rudra's hands

' It's not ME .....

'but.... he clicked the picture infront of me'

'so.... It has to be Me.... '


' How can I change into Rishi from Rudra after the accident ???

how is it possible!!!!???? '

To be continued.......

Is It Really You ??Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt