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Lavender's POV

Black looks and me and changes into a riding beast. "Thanks Black. You're a lifesaver." Climbing on his back , he walks off. Jimmy spots me first and walks forward to meet me , putting my hand to my lips has he goes to say something at my injuries. "Now that we have victory. I'm announcing that you will have your Queen!" Everyone gets super excites and the victory chants continue , Jasper looks at me and I lean down. "Get on." Jimmy jumps on and Black runs off around the army. Holding my stomach , it bleeds more now with the harsh movement. "Mom. Why aren't you healing?" I sigh , "too many things have happened to my body recently. It hasn't snapped back yet. Don't worry I'm fine."

Black runs into the palace and Giln is there waiting , walking through the portal and into my room she helps me stop the bleeding on my stomach first. "Jimmy , go back outside and act normal. I'll be fine." He hesitates and then walks out. A barrier is set the moment he closes the door. "This is deep. Any deeper and your kidney wouldn't be useful anymore." She cleans the wound and starts to stitch me up. An hour later , she helps me change my clothes. "Last time we hid your injuries ,  your mother came to the palace and nearly dragged Queen Reed by her tongue. Funniest thing I've seen since this war started." I chuckle at Giln. Miss quiet got so mouthy.

"Take me to see my niece please because I'm not going to comment on what you just said." Stepping through the portal , she opens Xani's room. Walking up to the baby , I take her up gently. "You're so cute with those big black eyes." The baby giggles and holds onto my finger. "Her name is Analise." Xani slowly sits up , "she took the life out of you huh." She chuckles and looks at me with Analise. "You and Mom are going to fight over her." I scoff and sit down on the couch. "Your mother has to wait her turn." The door opens and Thia walks in , "says who? Tell Jimmy to get you a grandchild." Snorting , Jimmy walks in and takes Ana out my hands. "No kids. Are coming out of the Jimmy factory."

Shaking my head at him , Jasper walks in and his eyes goes straight to me. "Alright , Xani get some rest. I'll come see you tomorrow , maybe." Giln opens a portal and I step through it to my bedroom. A knock came to my door couple minutes later , "Lavender. Can I come in?" Jasper asks. "No." He walks away without another word , respecting my boundary. Although he is my mate , its best to not let everyone overreact. They might think I'm about to die or something and will refuse to let me do anything. For the next two days , I was in between my room and Xani's room.

Jasper walked in the door and looked at me , "The Kings and Queens of the three forbidden Kingdoms are arriving tomorrow. As the Queen and mate of the King , you have to greet them with me." Handing Analise over to Xani , "okay. I'll be there." Walking out her room while holding onto my shoulder , "Lavender.." Releasing my shoulder , I turn to Jasper who followed me out. "What's wrong?" Shaking my head at him. "Nothing , just want some time to myself." Walking away , my hand is grabbed and we teleport to Jasper's room. "There's a limit to things Lavender. Are you rejecting me?" Shaking my head once again. "I never said that." He glares. "Your actions say that you are!"

Knowing that this'll get nowhere , I walk towards the door but my body is pushed back onto the bed. Jasper hovers over me , "Stop it. I'm leaving." He grabs my waist , the place that happens to be hurt. He'll rip the stitches. "Answer me Lavender. Are you rejecting me." The blue swirl in his eyes over took the other colors completely. "I never said that. What's wrong with me taking sometime to myself?" His glare gets intense. "Did you know what I went through to get you to my side finally and now you say you want time to yourself? You're leaving me aren't you?" He puts pressure on the wound. "That's what's you're afraid of right? Because you knew something was about to happen those years ago but you never thought I would be pushed off the cliff."

He pressed down some more and I grunt in pain. "Even though you know that I didn't know , you're still holding it against me?" His eyes turn red , "get off of me Jasper." He chuckles , "I'll make it so you can't leave me. That way you'll forgive me." I gasp out as he leans forward. "Jasper get off. You're hurting me!" The smell of blood filled the air. He looked down , his eyes slowly turning back to normal. "You're hurt." Lifting my shirt up slightly , he inspect the wound. "When did you get this?" Looking down at it , the stitches were ripped open. "Jus-" the door bursts open and Giln walks in. "This is your fault , isn't it?" She glares at Jasper and pushes him back.

"Great! You just made things worse." Shaking my head at Giln , "leave it alone Giln. He didn't know." She huffs and the room goes silent except for the sound of Jasper's heart beating loudly. "Jasper calm down. This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you anything." He remains silent , his eyes now blue again. "This is something you should've told me." I open my mouth but then his eyes turn red and he walks put to the balcony. Giln checks my shoulder to make sure it was okay and then left the room. "You're making a big issue out of this." He turned to me , "and you not making it an obvious issue is upsetting me Lavender."

"What are you? A weak woman? Grow the fuck up Jasper! Its not like I'm dying!" The room suddenly get dark and I'm thrown on the bed with my hands held above my head. "I'll show you what I am."

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