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The door was knocked on before Jasper could do much. "Lavender! We have to get ready to see the elders of the Kingdoms." Reed calls from behind the door. Jasper gets off of me and the door opens , "Queen Reed. You always have the best timing." Reed chuckles. "You flatter me King Jasper , this may be a bit rude but excuse us will you?" Jasper looks back at me and leaves the room. A sigh of relief comes from both of us , "he looked like he was about to cut my head off. Good thing I'm the Queen of Witches instead of a regular dragon." Sitting up slowly. "Thanks Princess." Reed sits on the bed and watches me closely. "Honestly Lavender , why are you treating him that way?"

Holding onto my shoulder , "I just got my memories and everyone is expecting me to immediately be back to the way I was and he's expecting for us to be mates as if he nothing between never happened." Reed sighed , "no one's expecting that Lavender." I scoff. "You think so but I know it. The walls have ears." She remained silent after that and helped me get dressed. The elders of the other two Kingdoms are coming here , the wolves are sending someone for peace and the humans stay out of the business of the supernatural. The witches lost their elder long ago and none has replaced her. We dragons do have an elder , according to memory she's my great aunt but I haven't seen her since coming back here.

Walking out the room , Mom is making her way towards us. "Mom. What happened?" She just gives me a smile. "Everyone's waiting. Let's go." In the main hall , Jasper stood talking to five people. "Don't demons keep to themselves? Why are they here all of a sudden?" Reed shrugged and we walked up to the table. "Elders. This is my mate , Lavender White Wing." A man walks up to me and grabs my hand , "you look just like her. Doesn't she Lilac?" Mom steps forward. "Angel Elder is correct. My grand niece reminds me so much of Liana. Are you regretting? Too late!" The voice of my great aunt comes from behind him. She pushes past him and pulls me into her embrace. " child. You had us all worried sick. Including your mother."

"That wasn't exactly my fault Aunty Elder." She nods with a smile. "Indeed. Let's sit and talk , your body hasn't recovered yet." Sitting at the table , she sits next to me. The Elders have long forgotten their names , so everyone just calls them by their titles and be finished with it. "Your Highness , on behalf of the entire Wolf Kingdom I would like to apologize." The man seemed to be a general. "Just don't wage wars for petty reasons again general." He nods and sits down once again. "Let's get down to business. The Elder Council must commence once again , this old  Elder is ready to retire." The Fae Elder spoke while directly looking at me.

"I second such a notion , we've held our seat for thousands of years and I'm sure everyone has their own successor in mind." The conversation went in circles , squares and rectangles before they came to a conclusion. "Lavender will be the leader and we will all put forth our successors to fill the seats of the council. However , the lack of elders in the wolf and witch territories are indeed a problem." For the past five hours , I've been silent and just listening to them speak. "How about this. Mina , Giln and myself will go to the Wolf Kingdom to help them get back on track and find someone good enough for the Elder position. We can meet back here in two years' time."

Everyone except Jasper and Mom agreed with the idea. As soon as the meeting finished , I immediately ran out of their sights to get away from the tears , anger and other emotions they're bound to throw my way. "You made such a decision and is running away from it afterwards?" Smiling at Thia's sudden appearance , "this was the last place we saw each other before I died." She nods and sits across from me. "Jasper's destroyed his office while your Mom is being calmed down by the dragon Elder." Sighing. "Do you remember the black winged Dragon race?" Nodding to her question.

"Yeah , they were killed off because of the demon/dragon blood in their veins. You don't need to tell me. Jasper was one of them. Not to mention , his parents were once the King and Queen of Dragons but because of the previous King's revolt , they all died. Jasper became his dog to get back his place , thus how he became King." Thia gave me a look , "don't give me that look. Its not like I'm rejecting him but I'm blaming him. He knew that woman was going to kill me and that I was his mate yet he did nothing but watched in the distance as my wings got ripped off. He consoles my mother as if nothing happened. If you had the choice of forgetting instead of dying painfully which would you choose?"

Thia wiped a tear that rolled down her face , "forgetting him twice was enough wasn't it? Besides you wrote him a letter before you died." Shaking my head. "It was blank. Stupid me right? Anyway. I'm leaving tomorrow." She looks behind me and shock came over her face. Jasper made his presence known by grabbing my hand. "Come with me." He almost dragged me upstairs before pushing me into a room and a barrier was placed around it. "You came prepared this time." He grabbed me and kissed me before another word could be said.

Jasper's POV

Two years later

This one isn't blank but there's only three words you need to know.
I'll be back


hat's all the letter said after she left that night , just after promising me not to leave. There hasn't even been any news about her either , the meeting is about to be called and she's yet to arrive. Jimmy walked up to me , "still no news?" Shaking my head at him. "None , your mother really knows how to keep people worried." The doors open and a little girl runs in and straight up to me. "Daddy!" All eyes turn to me. "Jasper! You cheated on my daughter? Breaking the trust of your mate bond?" Lilac glared at me but I played her mind while looking down at the little girl who looked no more than a year. "Daddy!" She raised her arms and I picked her up. Her eyes looked like mine and there was no doubting she was indeed my daughter.

"Liana! You see Daddy and forget Momma?" Purple eyes meet my eyes. "Lavender." With a bright smile , she walks up to me.

The Cursed One (BOOK THREE OF QUEEN SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now