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Lavender's POV

Holding my hands in the air , I stand still. "Now now. There's no need to be so hostile right?" The woman holding a sword to my throat doesn't seem to think so. Let me dial back a little on the situation here , this place that I'm somewhat associated with has a decent sized territory which is hard to come by nowadays. Three hours ago while I was minding my business and having a drink , three little girls got kidnapped because they were stupid little shits. The man in charge Ezekiel who I desperately want to kill told me to get the children back , alive or dead. Personally , being dead is better than being a hostage to that bastard.

It was easy to find them , they weren't really hiding either. A group of twenty at least , they must've thought that it would be easy since the village only has women and children. Not to mention that there was no one patrolling , however Ezekiel has a barrier around the place. He knows who comes in and out. So when I found the group standing around casually , I stepped out and the woman drew her sword on me. The woman smirks at me , "Your leader is underestimating me by sending a little girl to negotiate. He doesn't believe that I'll kill these two?" The two girls are crying silently while looking at me with helpless eyes.

"Boss , let's just kill his bitch." One of the men holding the girls say while looking at me. Blowing the smoke out in the woman's face , "kill them." She raises an eyebrow at me and walks all around me. She didn't see it when I took the sword from her. The last this she saw was her head falling off her body. Dropping the sword , I scratch my eyebrow. "Are we done?" The men all started to attack and I step back. "Here I was thinking you guys were a little strong for my experiments , now none of you will do. Jimmy!" Jimmy stood up from the tree roots and stretched. He smirked , showing his pearly whites slightly.

Walking back to the house , two foots steps follow me. I stop and turn to the children. One girl glares at me , "why you told them to kill us?" My lip twitched and I turn back around , "because you are stupid and weak. In this place you need to be strong. Outside this place , be ruthless." As soon as we broke the tree line the girls ran off , shaking my head at their innocence. Outside the house stood Ezekiel , Emanuel and Donna. "Do you need something?" Ezekiel gives me a once over before speaking , "get ready. We leave for the ball in three house." I scoff , "I'm not going to that shit. I've got other things to focus on." Ezekiel grabbed my throat tightly , "you're coming. No question asked. Do as you're told." Letting me go , he walks inside.

Three hours later , Donna and I walked down the stairs. She wore a sky blue halter top ballroom dress and I wore a black ballroom dress with vines and red roses on it. Ezekiel , Jimmy and Ezekiel's brother Emanuel all wore black suits. Linking arms with Emanuel , Donna walked out to the car first. "Let's go." The car ride to the Wolf King's castle was about thirty minutes and I was bored out of my mind. I wasn't anything but eye candy and when someone tried to talk to me , Ezekiel would get an attitude with me. He parks the car and we get out , Jimmy walking behind as usual. Jimmy is like my son , I raised him while trying to raise myself in the process.

This is a just a random ball for everyone within the close proximity of the castle to know each other and not everyone was a wolf. Like Ezekiel , myself , Jimmy , Donna and Emanuel. So it was basically a party to make sure no one kills the other. Kinda stupid if you ask me. , it makes no sense because the slightest thing gone wrong will result in a mini war between two packs. We enter the room and Ezekiel points to the table in the darkest corner , "stay over there." That was fine by me , I hated these things anyway. Jimmy sits next to me , looking around the room. An hour later , nature called me. Standing up , I lock hands with Jimmy and we walk to the washroom.

A crash is heard along with screaming while I dried off my hands. "What's wrong?" I ask while opening the door. Jimmy looks in the direction we came from but the sound of fighting was going on all around us. "Rogues." Rogues don't usually go in that big of a group that they got rid of this much security. This ball finished way too early but getting in the action will be fun. Walking to the door , blood was already splattered on the floor and walls , mangled dead bodies and injured people. Looks like most people managed to get away. "Jimmy let's have some fun." Kicking my heels off , I run down the stairs and slide forward while bending back as one of rogues swipe at me. She growls at me and shows her fangs , I blow a kiss at her which got her angry. Jimmy flashes by , giving me a baton.

Pressing the button , spikes come out and it elongates. The rogue attacked by rushing forward and changing mid air. Hitting her with the baton , her body flings back. She shakes it off and rushes at me again , I hit her again between her eyes this time. A slight sting in my stomach had me looking down , this bitch. Pulling the baton out , I hit her dead body again. The rogue managed to get me , it stung but that was all the pain I got. Guards flood in the room and a man stands at the top of the stairs , directs them to clean up and take people to the infirmary while his eyes sweep the room.

He looks at me and points to me. Jimmy walks up to me , "calm down will you." Jimmy glared at me from the corner of his eye. Two guards walk up to us , "come with us." Ignoring them I stand there starring at the man's retreating back , one of the guards behind me wasted no time in swinging his sword at my neck. Ducking , I turn to my left and the sword misses me but cuts dress from the thigh down. "Damn it! I like this dress." The man thinks I'm off guard and tries to get me. Looking in his eyes , his body slows down and I step out of his range while flipping him off. Someone runs up and snaps the guard's neck , "I never said I want her injured." He kicks the body and I chuckle. Such a sophisticated show.

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