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Lavender's POV

"Morning" Mina , like always , walks in the house while I'm making breakfast. Putting a plate of pancakes in front of her , I turn and pour syrup over my own. Unlike always , my disciple is quiet and keeps giving me looks from across the table. "She sent you to convince me to go." Without hesitation Mins nodded with her mouthful. "I'm afraid this pestering will continue. You and Giln go pack. We're leaving." After stuffing her face , she left. Drinking my tea , I step out on the porch watching everyone pass as usual. The one person I didn't want to see came , "morning." Raising my eyebrow at her , "morning to you too princess."

She walks down the short path and stopped at the steps , "about last night... How about you just be a guard?" This Queen really is shameless , "Princess. I'm not guarding your letter of help. Do you know why? Because you don't need to send a letter , the moment you do the vampires will come for you. Be mutual until you don't need to anymore." It was as if she caught the cookie I dangled in front of her. "I understand. Mina says she's packing up to leave , where are you guys going?" Ignoring her question , I walk back inside the house and close the door. Half hour later , Mina and Giln were saying their goodbyes at the village gate.

"Let's go." We started to walk into the forest. "Where are we going Mistress?" Giln asks suddenly. "Why? Are you afraid?" She doesn't give an answer while Mina stays silent. The next few hours were silent as we continued walking , the forest started to get thinner and thinner. We would be out in the open soon and the sun was beating down through the leaves. The sound of running water became clearer as we advanced forward , however a few people were there as well. Raising my hand to my mouth , I turn to the two behind me. They both nod as I point upwards to the trees. Almost without a sound they crawled up the sides of two different trees.

Good job girls. Walking further in I stop and look at the river. Werewolves and vampires as well. Thirty in total. "What do you think that Witch Queen will do?" A vampire asks , "she'll stay mutual at best and enemies at worst. What else can she do?" A wolf asks while laughing like a idiot , they were mostly half naked. Five under the shade , three sitting on a rock and the rest lounging in the river. "You guys don't think that she already sent a letter to the Dragon King about being allies?" Another vampire asks , "Haha. This Queen is smart , she'll defiantly stay on mutual terms with everyone. No one wants the other with the witches on their side and she knows that." The same wolf from before answers.

"I think that way too." Stepping out the trees , they were startled by my presence. "Relax guys she's human." I say again while pointing at myself. The men in the river got out and watched me carefully. Folding my hair between my ears , I give them a smile. "Am I not allowed to talk about this?.." One of the vampires ran up to me and I jump. "I'm sorry. Didn't know you guys were supernatural , its really hard to tell." The vampire close to me , circles me like a predator. "Are you lost?" Shaking my head I look down. "No. My mom sent me and my sisters to make money for food and clothing five months ago. Today is the day we were supposed to meet up here."

Acting like a pitiful human gets these idiots off? "Since she isn't here. I'll leave you guys." Turning to leave , I'm pulled back. "Don't be in a hurry to leave. Maybe your mother is on her way here. Stay a while. Oh right where are your sisters?" I grin , "right here." Stabbing my wrist , the blood flows out. Destroy. Immediately , all of the men fell to their knees. All of their internal organs destroyed. "Come out." The two come out the shade of the trees , "search their things." My blood disappears into the wind after the spell is cast. Wrapping up my wrist , I watch them search the vampire's things. "Weapons and money. Some are their own."

"Take what you like. Leave the rest." The body close to me had some kind of brown thing peeking out his pocket , taking it out I open it. Its a map , strange. Why would they have a map , looking it over I quickly understood why. Its just so coincident that we were heading that way. Mina and Giln walk up to me , "Mistress. Do you want nothing?" Shaking my head I stood up and stretch my hands outwards. "Let's go." They look at each other before looking back at me , "unless you want beasts to eat you as well.." Shrugging while walking way from them , seconds later they caught up to me and we fell into silence once again.

Stopping abruptly , my ears twitch at the movement. Stooping down , the deer steps out the trees. Giln seeming to catch the drift , holds on hand out and draws the other back. She releases and the air formed into an arrow going straight for the deer. It hits the deer , blood drips down it's side and it runs off. Giln goes to shoot it again bit I held onto her hand before shaking my head. Taking a twig , I crack it and the deer runs off. "Catch some rabbits. We'll rest here." They both nod and drop their bags before walking off. After starting the fire , I jump up in a tree and wait for those two to return. Closing my eyes for a bit , the two came back to our campsite soon after.

"We managed to get- where's Mistress?" I could feel Mina's eyes searching for me. Opening my eyes , I look down at the two. Giln is skinning the rabbits while Mina is still searching for me. "Tend to the fire Mina." Giln finally tells Mina but Mina ignores her. "Mina! You really think Mistress would just up and leave? This is a test. We fail , we die." Smart girl , didn't go wrong in choosing the right person. Closing my eyes once again , they feel silent only talking when necessary. The sun started to set a few minutes later.

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