Suprise in a Suprise

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Chase touched my waist. Actually he poked. Now he poked again. Wait he wants to-.
Before I could finish my sentence he started to do exactly what I thought He would do: tickle me.
I moved uncontrolled because I am the worst in this. If you once tickle me I'll love like a dying fish.

Unctrolloed, I was near smashing myself on to Chase and it is hap-

"Ohhhh Trolly If I would be you I wouldn't do this. Chase is not out of stone. 200 kg can smash his body and I don't think u want to be the reason Chase die-"

Chase's and my head shot up. His friends are here! Wait?! Is this planned? Where do they know from where we're at? No this can't happen! No no no another betrayal. Chase told them where we're at. I am so stupid. Molly go fuck yourself.
My eyes started wartering while Chase is the first one to talk.


Wait Chase doesn't know where his friends know from where we are? Nahh, he's playing a role. He's just acting. But why is he so mad then?

"Uhhm we tracked your snapchat location, duhh."


Maybe he really doesn't know anything? No! Molly, after everything he did to you? No! Don't believe in something that you're not 100% sure about!

"Wow, chill man. We just wanted some fun and we thought you wouldn't mind. You don't like her anyways so why are you mad? She brainwashed you, dude. Haha. C'mon with us. We'll have some real fun."

"You know what, Jackson? Fuck you! Fuck you and every single one of you! Shut the fuck up and get out of my sight. I can't stand y'all anymore. Your thing with people who are different and not normal to you. Just because you look different than me or someone else does not mean you are something better! Trust me on this one. I don't want to be in any connection with such an opinion and mindset because it's trash. Know people's worth! I wish y'all a nice life and hope to never ever talk to you again. Come on, Molly let's go. "

I stood up fastly while Chase's Friends or rather Ex friends were perplexed. I can tell by the look on their faces.

"Chase, you don't have to do that. They are your friends. I am just me. It's okay you don't have to do that."

When I finished complaining his eyes went big and he walked towards me. He cupped my face and said

"Molly. I am so sorry that you think like that. You are more than that but you don't see it because I told you different for YEARS. I am so sorry but don't think like that. You are the strongest person I know. You are beautiful, you are sexy, nice, funny, hot, amazing, cute and I can keep counting for days. You aren't just something: you are more, you are worthy. Always, ALWAYS remember that! And know let's go. COME ON. Let's forget this bullshit for a couple hours. "

He took my hand and pulled me along with him. I smiled and ran along.

His paragraph was overwhelming. It's hard to believe his words yet. I can not change myself this fast.
I can change myself but not fast.

We ran to Chase's car. He held my door open and shut it close when I sat inside.
He jogged to his side and sat inside. He drove with top speed to his home.

We arrived and left the car.

"Chase. What are we doing at your house?"

"We are exchanging the car into a motorcycle! Oh yeah and leave my phone here and maybe yours."


"Because you, pretty woman need to forget all this bullshit and worries in your head for a couple hours."

"And you think this works with a motorcycle?" That's ridicolous. This is never ever going to work.

"You'll see" was his only respond

Chase parked the car, got a helmet and a motorcycle. He parked the motorcycle infront of me.

"And for the highness it's the helmet."

"Thank you but wait - you don't have a helemt it's only me"

"I don't need one. Now put the helmet on."
I just did as he said, because I know discussing is useless with this stubborn boy.

"Okay done."

"Okay let me check real quick."

He checked if I closed the helmet correctly and if it fits good and not too loose or anything. It's cute how he insist to make sure that I am 100% secure even with the most trite things.

"Okay. It fits perfectly. Know get on the engine."

"Okay. I don't think we both fit but let's say it's because you forced me to." I grinned eventhough I was being one hundret percent honest.

"Oh Molly your- wait nevermind. I can not finish that sentence, haha. You won't -,"

"No Chase. Finish that sentence. Let's always be honest to each other."

"Okay. My sentence wasn't somehow bad it would just be absolutely weird for you to hear that."

"Okay when it's not bad it can be said out loud."

"No it's for real weird for you to hear that from me eventhough I really mean it but I don-,"

"Arrggh Chase just say it. Holy milkshakes my impatience said no. Tell me!"

"Okay but don't tell me I shouldn't have told you. I wanted to say your fine ass definitely fits my bike and I could force you to do different things."

"Oh. Nice, haha."

"You aren't mad or anything?"

"No?! Why would I be? Should I?"

"No haha. Just get on my motorcycle already."

It's Molly and not TrollyWhere stories live. Discover now