Some more deep talk in the woods

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"You know what. Get out of your car."


"Yes get out of your car I wanna drive you somewhere."

"With my car?"

"Yes. Now I want to drive you and me to a place where we can stay. And I'll drive your car."

"Can't you just say where it is and I'll drive?"

"No." I laughed like this noho haha.

"Do you have a liability insurance?"

"Of course I do." No I don't haha.

He opened his door and with a sigh he left the driver seat. I did the same and let myself down on the driver seat.

"Wait this is a manual transmission car."

"Yes. I have a 'gearbox car'"

"Wow. How old school"

"How old school? Do you even have a car? Wait do you even know how to drive a car?"
His voice was full of panic. I couldn't hold my laugh. He's funny.

"Okay calm down. And let me drive already."
This is gonna be funnn. I know how to drive a car but... well.. it's been..... a while, haha.

I started the car.. yes. Now, the brake, now. first gear yeah. easy. ah well. damn. I need to drive backwards. okay i need to step on the cluth to change gears. is backwards even a gear? i guess.  A step on the clutch and a change to backwards further while Chase is watching me with an close eye.

Okay I got it. I am driving backwards. u can say I am driving perfectly. It's tough being  such a good diver. When I got out of the parking lot without touching another car Chase was impressed.

"Well. I didn't expect that."

"I know."

"So will u tell me where we're heading to?"


"You know.. Usually.. it's the boy who says that."

"How mainstream."

"Woah. didn't expect that aswell"

"I know."


"5 minutes left until we arrive at our destination."

"Amazing. I'm so curious."

"You'll love it"


5 minutes later we were arriving.
I parked in front of the woods.

"Are u going to kill me?"

"No, Chase. What the hell are u thinking. We just can't drive any further."

"Yeah. I know. This was supposed to be funny."

"Oops, haha.."

"Oh my god hahaha"

"Alright. Follow me."

"Aye aye, Ma'am"

Because it's only me who knows the way it's me who's going first.

"Yeah so that's it."

"Oh wow."

I am turning to him.
"Riight. Isn't it amazing?"

He's turning to me. He looks at me
"It's absolutely beautiful."

"Yes, it is."

He takes a step forward and looks into my eyes.
My cheeks started burning and I couldn't hold the eye contact.

"Let's sit down we can sit on my jacket. The wood is probably cold."

"No wait I have some blankets in my trunk."

He went to grab them. In a second he was back. Wow he's fast.
He started to unfold the blankets two to sit on and a few to put them around ourselves.
We sat down and with a good amount of seperation we sat in front of each other.

" Okay, Chase. What do we do now?"

"Let's play 20 questions. Do you know this game?"

"Yes, I do. Let's do it."

"Okay Ladies first."

"Okay. Hmmm. It's lame but how old are you?"

"I'm seventeen. I'm turning 18 next saturday."

"Ohh amazing. It's your turn."

"Easy. How old are you?"

"I'm 17 aswell but I am turning 18 in January."

"Oh that's four months."

"That is correct. What are your plans after school?"

"To be honest I don't know. My parents want me to go to college instantly but I want to travel and have fun with my friends anything but school. I am tired of teachers, annoying rules. I don't fit in this shoe but my parents think differently. Yeah it's whatever I don't know. "

" Yeah I think that's a stuggle. In my opinion, one day you should go your own way. Not one that someone chose for you. It's your life, why isn't it your choice. Only you know what's best for you. "

"Is that what you're doing? Going your own way. Deciding whats best for you yourself? By living on your own?"

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