A weird Chase

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It's currently 6 am and I am so not ready to go to school. Why does school needs to start so early. My brain starts working at 10 am and not at 8 am.

Yeah these are my morning thoughts. Yesterday was a rough day. There were many up's and down's and a weird Chase but maybe today everything will be normal. Normal like, Chase telling me I am fat..
Yeah, we'll see.

So I changed into some clothes which were the usual - black leggings and an oversized sweater.
It's fall, my favorite season. Perfect for clothing and perfect weather.
I quickly put on my white sneakers and make my way towards school.

Ten minutes later I can spot the building. Now it's just the corner. I keep walking while being deep in thoughts which is reason why I didnt see the person coming towards me.

Bummmm! I bumped into a wall. Why is a wall walking? Seriously wtf!?

"What the f-" I turned around but I couldn't finish because someone just Interrupted me.

"Oh I am sorry." Nope. Not just someone. It's Chase Ackerman.
What the fuck fuck?

"What the fuck?" I couldn't say something different.

"Ah Molly. I am sorry for bumping into you. Damn that hurt."

"Uh. Uhm Yeah. Yup. No it's okay."  Okay Molly could you PLEASE stop being so dumb omg.

"Molly. I- Well- So- Naahh man. Molly about last night-,"

" Chase. I know. it is okay. Sorry for literally screaming at you. Just-,"

"No Molly! I just really need to talk to you. Do you have something to do at lunch today?"

"Uhm no?" What the fuck do I, a loner, a looser have to do, Chase? Because of you I am not having ONE friend. But I didn't tell him.

"Okay great??? Let's meet up. At lunch right here okay?"


"Okay good."

And with that he left me dumbfolded.
I keep walking towards school. I kept thinking about that strange scenario.


And even in class I couldn't stop thinking about the situation that happened earlier.
Thank god lunch was in 5 minutes. Hopefully I get to clean my mind.

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