Normal. -nevermind

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I loved the motorcycle ride. It gives me a release of everything. It's like a timeout.

We arrived at my apartment sooner than I wished.

"Hey, Molly.. Uhm I liked our little trip. It was nice hanging with you and spending time."

"I really liked it too. You can come in if you want."

"Yes 'course."

We grabbed the stuff we used and brought them upstairs.
I hope he doesn't mind my tiny apartment. He literally has a huge house.

"Come in. You can put your shoes wherever you want. I don't really mind if you just leave them next to the door."


"You can give me the blankets I can wash them."

While giving me the blankets he said
"You don't have to, you know."

"I know. But I feel better if I do."


I made my way into the kitchen where the washing mashine was and told him

"You can do whatever you want to. Mi casa uhm is your casa. You know the saying, haha"

"I do, hahaha. "

We both laughed and he went to the living room and sat down.

I don't know why but I am just so weird. It bothers me. I can't calm down and stop being so- just weird, strange I don't know. I can not leave my comfort zone. It's probably because we just become friends a few days a go but anyways. And why am I always so damn nervous and sweaty. It's stupid.
Anyways, I started the washing mashine and it slowly began to make circle moves. I hope the water is running today because yesterday or so the tap didn't work. Ooff. Maybe I should just stop worrying so much and go to the living room. Maybe he wants something to drink? Or is he hungry? Gosh he must be hungry... Is he?

Long story short just ask him.
I went to the living room but started speaking before I arrived

"Would you like something to drink? Or are you hung-"

I stopped when I saw that he opened Youtube on my TV and zapping through the workout playlist. It's around 30 videos long.

"Darren what are you doing?!"
He put the zapper down instantly.

"I- I didn't- I'm sorry. Molly I didn't. Gosh that- why?"


"It wasn't my intention. I am sorry. I just wanted-d to listen to some music. That, Idk"

"Offf, Darren stop it. I- I want yo-"
I wanted him to go. Now! But after everything he did? I don't know if that's wrong but before I can keep saying what I wanted the bell interrupted me.

Who wants to see me? What the hell? No one comes by?!

I ran to the door and almost fell over the shoes in the hallway. Damn I need a cabinet. I looked through the peephole. I saw Darrens friends. I gasped but didn't released the air. With my mouth wide open in a O-shape I turned around and looked right into Darrens eyes. Is he being for real?

"Molly who is it?!"

I didn't say anything.

"Mol- I just look myself for fucks sake."
He grabbed me on my shoulder and pushed me lightly out of the way.
He opened the door roughly he almost unhinged it.

When he saw who is behind the door he instantly tensed. I saw his knuckels on his hand which was still on de door knob and thought they would come out.

He didn't say anything. He just grabbed on of them and hitted him in the face. He kept doing it multiple times and the boy I couldn't reconise anymore because his face was full of blood is almost unconcious. He let him fall on the floor and grabbed another one. He didn't mind if it was a boy or a girl he just kept doing what he was doing. I froze and wasn't able to move or say a thing. I was just a witness of Darren almost killing more than 3 people.
When I realized that I ran to him. I pushed him roughly away and could see in his eyes that he was in rage.

"Darren stop! Stop it!" I screamed. But he didn' t hear me. His eyes were directed behind me.

I felt a breeze like thing behind me. Darren pushed me aside forcefully and hit the boy's face.
Omg the boy wanted to punch me.

From this point on I froze completely. I didn't move, said or even blinked.

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