Some deep talk and sandwhiches

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"Hey Chase."

"Hey. How are you? How was work?"

"Oh uhm good? I guess. Work was busy as always but it was also fun. Hbu?"

"I'm great. Glad that I could pick you up."

"Yes. Where are we even going?"

"Uhm. I don't know. Are you hungry?"

No, no I'm never hungry. But I couldn't say that, right? That would be weird. And also, why would I share something this private, that soon?

"Yeah a bit. Hadn't had lunch today."

"Perfect. I'm.. kinda starving haha." His deep laugh's really giving me chills.

"Yup. Perfect. haha."

The situation isn't as weird as I thought it would be. Actually, it's kinda nice. It's calm but nice. It feels good to meet up with someone and laugh at the most nonsense things.

"So are we heading to' In an out' or rather subway?"

"Ohhhh I want subway. Haven't had Subway in forever. Very good, Molly. I almost forgot it even existed."

"Haha. That'd be tragic."

"One hundret percent."

Why does my bully's presence feel nice?
It all makes no sense.

"So, Chase.. I have a question I hope it doesn't sound weird or sound like me being here doesn't feel nice or anything buut how does it come that we are in your car laughing at nonsense eventhough you're my bully. You bullied me my whole life. Actually it's since kindergarten but whatever. You know it makes no sense? "

" I understand your question. I've asked the same question myself. I think I just want to make up for the things I've done and I don't know what comes with it. So far I can say that I kinda really like your personality and somehow regret I have never given you the chance to be yourself. You know I am pretty sure you aren't healthy. Like your mind isn't healthy. I've heard the things you told Pop.. I feel disgusted in my own skin. You could have been happier if I just kept my mouth shout. I did things I can never make better. These are all mistakes and I want to erase them but I can't so now I am trying to give u maybe a better future eventhough my mind is struggling. I am not sure if I should just leave you alone. But at the same time I can't. I don't know things are complicated but if you won't mind I'd like to spend some time with you make things up and just hang around."

"I am glad you'll stop bullying me. I also like that you want to spend time with me I think a little company won't hurt since I am having like zero friends - which I don't really mind because nowadays everyone's somehow fake- but this whole thing seems forced. Like, you HAVE to spend time with and not You LIKE or WANT to spend time with me. Do you know what I mean? "

" Yes, I do. It wasn't meant to be understood like this. But at the same time i dont know what to do. I like you I can say that from what i've talked to you but I also want to make things up. I feel so disgusted. I can not look in the mirror this is just too much. "

" I can understand that too. And as long as this isn't forced I am ready to meet up with you and maybe be able to one day forgive you. " and myself.

But I didnt say the last thing.


The whole ride was quiet which I don't mind because like this I could think. I was lightly overthinking. Is this the right thing to do?
What do the others think. What will his friends think?


We were arriving at Subway shortly after my overthinking. We went inside and walked directly to the counter where you can order your food.

"Are you mixing your sandwhich or do you order a la carte?"

"Oh uhm I am mixing my sandwhich, always. And you, Chase?"

"Omg. Me too. Yes I mix it too."
He was hyped when he found out that we have something in common but cleared his throat instantly.

We ordered, sat in a booth and ate.


"Mhhh that was soo delicious I could eat another whole sandwhich."

Goooood, why are boys so huuungry?
Me not almost having finished my first half of the sandwhich just looked in his face stupidly. To be honest I won't finish the other half. So I offered him my other half.

" Do you want mine? "

" Nahh, Molly I'm good."

"No honestly I can't finish. This is a bit too much." I prayed that he isn't too picky.

"Are u sure?"

"One hundret percent!"

"Okay lemme finish this mamacita"
He grabbed the sandwhich and immediately sarted eating his "mamacita"
I couldn't hide my laugh and just started laughing loudly and from the depth of my heart. The first real laugh in long long time. That exactly, he, did this, is kinda special.
He looked at me and grinned.


We finished eating and went back to the car. We had a looong discussion about who'll pay. I never have good arguments and he wants to make things up therefore it's okay and I let him.

We entered the car.

"I am so happy. We just went to subway. Do you also think olives belong to the sandwhich, Molly?"

"Omg, yes. Absolutely. They just make it taste better. Definitely a must have on those sandwhiches!"

"Yes I totally agree. Sooo.. It's really late already but I don't mind hanging out a little longer it's friday anyways so what do you say?"

"Oh I'd love to hang out more. I am so lonely in my apartment. I love your company." I realised what I said after I said it. My eyes went big and I tried to make clear what I mean eventhough that's exactly what I meant but it just sounds so weird.

"Oh uhm I mean I like being out, and not just chill at home, with you. Wait that wasn't better. I-,"

" Molly, I know what you mean, it's okay. I love your presence as well. "

"Oh really? I just thought it sounded weird but yeah just nevermind. let's leave it there."

"Okay. Yeah. So what do we do next."

"Whatever you want. Do you have something like a mysterious place in the woods to hang out or some? haha. Nah just joking. I am just always reading about this stuff, haha."
I needed to laugh. Chase laughed along. Yeah I'm kinda hilarious.

"Actually, I do."

"Oh really? That's so cool. I was just joking bu-,"

"I'm sorry to interrupt you but there is a BUT. Not that you're happy too soon. It's not in the woods. Well actually it is but not really it's not deep in the woods. And this is not really special aswell."

"You know what. Get out of your car."

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