The truth

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I predict I am getting fired now. Or worse Pop wants me to leave and never wants to see me again.

"Molly! What the holy milkshakes was that about?"

"Uhm. They are just some Idiots from school. Nahh they probably just want to laugh tonight. It's nothing."

I am sounding so-not convincing.

"Yeah sure. And I hate milkshakes.. God Molly just tell me the truth."

"I cant.." I am whispering now. Too afraid that the only person in my life will leave.

"Hey Molly. Why not!? I mean maybe if you tell me what's going on I can help you."

"No. No one can help. I can really not tell you what just happened."

"Molly please." now he started whispering.

Now I am near crying. My eyes started watering.

"Molly Come on.. You can talk to me it's me, Pop." His voice got raspier

Okay I cant hold it in anymore.

"You know Pop. YOU are the only person in my life, who loves me, who sees my worth who accepts me just the way I am. Not even my" family" does that. They've put me in an apartment at the other side of the city and I have to live on my own. I AM SEVENTEEN. Struggling with an eating disorder and major depression."

I rolled up my sleeves. Showing my scars make sure this is serious.

"These are the old ones.. The ones on my leg are like just a few hours old.."

His face has no expression.. his breath is slow... He always does that when shit's becoming serious. I've seen it before...

" Molly, I-"

"It's okay Pop"

I umwrapped the loop on my apron and take it off. I shoved it in a ball and than in his hands.

"Molly what are u doing?"

"Leaving. I already thought of telling u but I was always afraid you would leave me too.. And now exactly that is happenig so here is my apron."

"What?? no! here you have it back.."

He shoved the apron back in my hands.

"What are you doing, Molly? I never knew people would treat you like that. I sometimes noticed something was odd but I am honest I did not expect,.. THAT. I am not gonna leave you and I won't judge you in any way. You are like a daughter I never had to me. I care for you more than I care for myself. I could never not care for you, honey. I love you like I would love my daughter. "

His words made me cry like a waterfall. I just needed to give him a major hug. That's what I am doing now. I am hugging him like I could loose him each second.

" I love you just like I would love my dad, Pop. Thank you for not judging me. "

" You never have to thank me for that! Promise me one thing: Talk to me. Tell me whats on your mind, tell me how school's going, tell me the dumbest things.. Whatever but talk to me. Promise!"

"I promise!"

And that was the truth. I promise to tell him EVERYTHING. I loosen the hug.

"Okay. Now go back to work. The Diner is ready for you. I'll just stay here for another second. I'm right behind you."

"Alright. Take your time."

I went back to the front. I opened the door from the changing rooms and I only saw a tall frame and a tattoed arm. Hm? Who was at the back? And what Server has a tattooed arm? Ah man.. Whatever.

I went back to work.

Booth 8 got his drinks and food came right after. Without stupid comments. Chase was quite for the rest of the night. If someone wanted to say something to me he gave the person a stern look. What happened to him???


After work I went to my Apartment. I took a shower and went straight to bed.
I didnt do a workout today.. I am just emotinally exhausted.

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