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  "There's something I have to tell you!"
"There's no time! You can tell me later! We got to get off this ship!"
Two Colours ran to the escape pods.A band of Crewmates chasing them.
"Damn,we really got screwed with this ship!"
The Green one became frustrated and shouted out,"Orange! We can't leave! Let go!"
The Orange one turned back to look at Green,"We have to, there's to many of them!"
The Green one yanked his hand away from Orange's grip,"I'm going back."
Orange's heart began to race,"No,Green! We can't!"
The Green Crewmate ran right towards the others headed straight towards them.
Orange watched as Green's stomach split open and formed into a mouth.Sharp teeth and a  rubber like tongue came forth and Green roared loudly at the Crewmates before him.
Six Crewmates felt their legs go like jelly.Falling to the floor beneath the Green Imposter.
Green roared again and stabbed Yellow through his helmet with his tongue.As blood splattered on the Crewmates,they felt adrenaline kick in.The now five Crewmates stood up and yelled out.They tackled the Imposter and did their best to grip his hands and feet facing him away from them.
Green struggled but wasn't strong enough to take all these Crewmates on.
  Orange watched as the Crewmates tackled Green.He bit his lip and growled within himself.As they grabbed his limbs and held him down,Orange reached into his suit and pulled out a gun.
Aiming, he shot the first Crewmate he laid eyes on.
Purple was dead.He had held down one of his legs,Green had a little more leverage now.
He kicked at Cyan who was atop him and then he felt him release,Cyan was shot dead.
The three Crewmates stood up and yelled out,"Please!"
Another shouted,"Don't kill us we don't want to die!"
The orange Crewmate stepped closer,still aiming his gun.
Green was still face first on the floor,breathing heavy and didn't look at all fine.Cyan had had a knife and repeatedly stabbed Green in the lower back.He was bleeding out.
With his gun still aimed,Orange bent down to Green and helped him turn over onto his back.His stomach was still split open.Orange gently placed his hand on Greens chest and asked him with a softer voice,"Green?"
Green tilted his head towards him,"Orange," he panted out of breathe,"Dag,I'm sorry."
Orange shook and gripped his gun tighter,"Green!,Green!,Kyle wake up!"
In a sudden rage Orange stood up and shot Limes leg.He put his gun back into his suit and grabbed the knife Cyan had dropped when he died.
Lime cried out in pain.Blood coming from the hole in his thigh.
The other two trembled where they sat and when Orange came over to Lime they ran passed him.Headed to the escape pods.
Lime yelled out to the two Crewmates,"No! You can't leave me! Guys! Help ! HELP ME!"
  Orange stabbed Lime in the leg.He cried out in pain and breathed heavily.
Passing out from the blood loss and pure shock of the situation.
Orange grumbled at the sight and looked to Green.He was still breathing,there's still a chance.
At the knee of Lime, Orange began to cut with the knife.Eventually amputating Limes lower leg.
He carefully placed it over the stomach mouth of Green and said encouraging words,"Come on,Kyle.Wake up! You got to wake up.Please."
But Green didn't budge.
Orange placed the leg part atop of the stomach mouth,it fell in part of the way and Orange looked for a reaction.
"Kyle,please.I need you.I can't be without you.Please wake up.I don't know what to do."
Kyle's breathing slowed and Orange began to tremble and his words came out soft and almost not audioble,"You would never tell me.Never tell me how to help you if this ever happened.Maybe you didn't know either? Maybe you didn't want me to kill anyone? It's to late for that.I just killed for you.Please wake up.I don't want to be alone.I don't know what to do without you.Please.Please."
Tears began to fall from Orange's face.He couldn't feel breathe coming from Green anymore.
His body wasn't pulsing as it did before.Greens body was still and lifeless.
The leg fell from his stomach mouth and Orange stared at it.He couldn't move.He couldn't think.He just sat there with the dead Impostor.

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