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        "Mommy, where's daddy?" That was Amethyst's first question to Honey.

        "What are you saying, dear? Daddy's beside you," answered Honey.

        "Where? Why is it darker there compared to outside?"

        "Darker?" asked Honey, looking at the direction Amethyst was pointing to.

        "Dear, that's your dad," smiled Honey.

        "Huh? Is dad invisible?" asked Amethyst curiously.

        Honey and Rouge panicked. They decided to look for the fortune teller once again, only to find that her shop was nowhere to be found. Feeling bummed, the both of them went home to think of a solution.

        "We did as we were told. We used the seal provided by the fortune teller to seal her magical abilities, so what went wrong?" pondered Rouge.

        "Dear, does that mean we sealed her magical sight as well when we sealed her abilities?" Honey wondered.

        "Hah, as expected of two Fifs of Quixo. We really sealed everything too perfectly," claimed Rouge while laughing helplessly.

        "Now's not the time to be joking, Rouge. Aren't you the least bit depressed that our daughter can't see you? You can't interact with her even when she's right in front of you!" Honey was frustrated.

        "I think this is a small price to pay in exchange for a bright future for our daughter." Rouge added, "Besides, talking, touching and seeing isn't the only way to communicate. The world isn't everything you see."

        "I wonder how would our child survive in this magical world without any magical perception. Isn't that a torture in itself?" questioned Honey.

        "That's why we need to give her full support. Don't let her yearn too much for something she doesn't know. We need to always be by her side to protect her," said Rouge determinedly.

        "I'll give her enough love and care for the both of us," reaffirmed Honey.

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